still looking! some ideas about Commissioner Gordon [hider=the comish] Barbara Gordon is the commissioner in this universe, taking after her father, though there was an additional commissioner inbetween the two of them that didn't want another Gordon in the position, even though she worked her way up fair and square. As dirty as Gotham is now, it was even dirtier back in her father's day and he tried his best to clean it up, but he was working against the powers that be in an 80's Gotham. The commissioner that came after him did his best to undo some of his work but it was Barbara that did most of the work and stopping him, revealing him as dirty in a way that even the mostly corrupt department couldn't ignore. Now she's commissioner, but her authority is on shaky grounds. Some people call her Barbara "Homicide" Gordon since she used to work in and then supervise the Homicide detective squad, and killed a few people in her quest to clean up the GCPD. But don't call her that to her face though, or you might be the next person on her kill list. other ideas: James Gordon is the commissioner, and her daughter Barbara eventually becomes one of your Batwoman's sidekicks, like usual. Other ideas: Barbara Gordon isn't the commissioner. Instead, getting her instated is a victory and a goal to be worked towards as Batwoman helps her clean up the GCPD and gain more authority instead of retaining and proving the authority she already has. I like this idea a lot, but currently trying to figure out how to make it interesting as Batwoman nor Wayne can't be that involved with police politics. But it could give Barbara and excuse to come out and work directly with Batwoman on more occasions since she would still be deployed to the field. But at the same time, commissioner gordon has never been afraid to work the field. If you have any ideas or preferences, let me know. [/hider]