Firstly, this is more of a school rp. No particular reason; just a swing of a mood. Kids blowing eachother up with giant mechs sounds fun; hence the 18+ tag(?) I don't really want anything not allowed on this public guild site - guild rules matter. But I don't want to police anything more than I have to. Granted, this is my first Gm'ed rp. Sorry for any sloppiness. But foremost-ly, this is a Gundam rp. I don't really watch the show, but the reference is kinda how I see them all. Like calling any soda a 'coke'. Because Coka cola became so successful in marketing. Whether its a gundam or a mecha or a super robot; its all the same here with minor differences that don't mean much between whatever you decide on. [hider=The School:][/hider]The school is like any other four year school. I'll be simple and just include one class per 5 day week. I expect the classes will be largely skipped IC, but it will be in school or dorms that your characters will mostly interact. The entire student body will be split between three factions. Orange, Purple, Green. There's plans for story progression here which I'll get to in the main thread. [hider=The Gundams:][/hider]Between the students, players can commence in battles that will remain 1x1 for simplicity outside of any special circumstances. There's multiple deviations how your gundam can differentiate between another, but the basis is something to the idea of chess pieces. Pawns are worth 1 point. Knights 2. Bishops 3. Rooks 4. Queens 5. More on this in the main thread. [hr] I'm mostly just gathering interest and bouncing a few ideas; though most of this is set how I think would be fun. Like I said, this is my first gm, so thanks for reading. ^-^