[color=ccb6b4][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vlDT9m9.png[/img][/center][/color] The bullet train she had taken to Hokkaido was frankly uneventful. Besides watching the vistas outside the window, she was left alone to her thoughts. When she finally arrived, there wasn't anything to do except walk to the school. She would have loved an extra day to spend the time to shop and sight see, but renting a hotel room wasn't exactly her prerogative. Most places wouldn't rent out to her, especially without parental approval. She'd asked her parents, but they refused. Hokkaido was definitely cooler than Kagawa. Back at her home, the rising sun warmed the night's air. Even during the rainy season, the sun was strong enough pierce the cold. Hokkaido, however, was much different. The cold wet air clung to her winter uniform and, contrary to what one would have thought, the sun did little to warm her. The cold air wasn't something that Yoru enjoyed. The air was pleasant in short bursts, but her skin and lips? Practically chapped and dried out the second she stepped off the train. Not that she fully hated it. The frozen air was a something new to experience and the more reserved by necessity clothing of Hokkaido made for all new styles she could try. The uniforms offered to her by the school were tolerable. The sailor fuku was a mainstay in traditional Japanese uniforms. If the school was [i]truly[/i] traditional like its reputation lead one to believe, then having everyone in kimonos would be the most traditional move possible. Probably not the best idea, considering how everyone would need to gird up their loins the second they needed to do anything physical. The idea of a class of heroes with girded loins gave Yoru a sensible chuckle. Her arrival at the school gates didn't really fill her with any sense of awe, dread, or excitement. She knew what the school looked like from images on the internet. It wasn't really a situation where being there in person changed anything. It was just a big building filled with people whose job it was to teach people to be heroes. Not really awe-inspiring or life changing, was it? It was just what it was: a new school. Ishin Academy wasn't her first choice, but it was for her parents. Maybe that's why there was no life changing revelations from it. There really wasn't any point to dawdle around the front entrance. There really wasn't a point in making friends with everyone before she even knew who was in her class. She didn't want to associate with anyone that harmed her marketability as a person or hero, nor did she want to waste her time on people she'd never see again. She walked through the halls of Ishin and into the auditorium, taking a seat with the other first years. It'd be a lie to say that she wasn't at least a bit curious on who she would share a class with. Hopefully not the girl sitting alone who occupied two seats with her suitcase. Unlike that person, Yoru kept her suitcase underneath her chair. She packed a considerable amount (what she considered bare necessities), but it wasn't like she packed for a two month vacation. She could for send most of the things that she needed. First, she'd have to get through whatever introduction the faculty at Ishin had planned.