Financial Stability. I’m thirty-one-years-old and I don’t think [as an adult] I’ve ever experienced it. I know it’s a very non-roleplaying related answer, but it’s the most on my mind. I don’t have a large or lavish education to fall back on, so my experience at this point has been chasing opportunity where I can find it. It’s always dead-end, temporary engagements and I’d just like a little bit of a stability so I can start planning around my life a bit better. I don’t want to be forty and still doing temp work with no security. Especially, so if one day I’d like a family proper. I am not chasing dreams anymore, but rather reality. Seems to me that I can never have that stable reality. It sucks, but I just need to work harder and hopefully I'll get lucky. My next question would be, hm, [b]What keeps bringing you back to role-playing as a hobby and how do you sustain your interest in it?[/b]