[center][h3][b]Tree of Genesis[/b][/h3][/center] [hr] [center]The forests they explored, in the corn fields they played, Ilex was the older, and Nymphea was the younger.[/center] [center][b]***[/b][/center] Those who identified as parts and splinters of the Arborean culture had spread all over the ancient continent of Toraan. As expected, most of them chose the more temperate climates, with warm temperatures, sunny days and lots of vegetation surrounding them... It was what they knew. But some were more daring or perhaps irreparably reckless and travelled further, reaching the areas where even the roots of the Great Tree struggled to survive in. The deserts and heights of Toraan and the toxic swamps. How they survived no one really knows. It is a fact however, that whatever it is that allowed them to settle their chosen homes also changed the Sylphi that settled with them and made it so their bodies could keep up with their spirits. Those in the desert, in the dry and hot climate that could light one's leaves on fire if one wasn't careful, the Sylphi became the color of the sand itself and shed their leaves in favour of long sprawling branches on top of their head. They had fuller, more solid figures and a tougher bark protecting their skin, making them perfect for the roles of Guardians. Those in the heights of Toraan found themselves growing shorter and lighter over the centuries, to the point that if one were to see one in a human settlement, one would think they were barely into their teens in spite of potentially being older than most of the humans in such a settlement. Being smaller however never seemed to impact their strength, and so they could jump much farther and have much more stamina than their bigger, more averagely sized peers. And finally, those crazed few that instead chose to declare toxic swamplands as their home, would find their bodies taking on sickly, pale colours and their leaves adopting sharp, spiky forms. Their bodies would regularly discharge toxins into the earth below their feet and in doing so, would slowly poison any soil they stepped on, turning it into something resembling their homeland. These toxic Sylphi who mean no harm also eventually found themselves to be more susceptible to illness and injury, but their Traits in turn became more magnificent than their more mundane counterparts. Not that they show them very often, being rather secular and distrustful of their more cheerful siblings. [hider=Summary] Described 3 different types of Sylphi that would pop up during the 2k years. Tough Sylphi for the desert, smol agile Sylphi for the mountains, and sickly, pale sylphi with more impressive Traits for toxic swamplands. These are of course much less populous than the main type of Sylphi that has been described before. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Tree of Genesis 3MP - 2DP Again again, paying for things that happened over the skip. 2DP to grant Sylphi increased adaptability to new environments, allowing them to adapt to harsh places such as deserts, swamplands, tundra etc, without much fuss over the course of a few generations. 5/5 TOWARDS ADAPTATION PORTFOLIO. ADAPTATION PORT UNLOCKED. INITIALISING 3MP PAYMENT... PLEASE WAIT... SUCCESS. THE ADAPTATION PORTFOLIO IS NOW COMPLETELY UNLOCKED AND PAID FOR. ENJOY, MR. FRETTZO. 0 MP - 0 DP remaining. 1/5 toward Carving port [/hider]