[quote=@jasbraq] [hider=Vizier Siduri] [img]https://imgur.com/9Tlf6lI.png[/img] "Don't worry miss, leave it to me!" The Vizier of Margrave Deraj. Someone of unknown birth but claiming to have been born into the upper class, although never giving her family’s name. As a mage she shows prowess with ancient magic and has quite some knowledge of the world of old, because of this she was also appointed as Magical Councilor. But lacks martial experience Although she has a hard time trusting people she tries to approach everyone with a smile and tries her hardest to be of service to her colleagues. She is however very susceptible to trauma, as she could become “different” if pushed far enough. She is rather incompetent with modern technology [/hider] [/quote] Can't wait to see her in action, she sounds like a very cute person. Although its too soon to go to the classes we could do a little collab post perhaps?