[quote=@fledermaus] the sheet is encouraged but not required, as long as you have the information. I'm also always willing to help if you want to use the sheet but don't know how. If you prefer not to use the sheet, thats okay it wont hurt my feelings or anything like that We're not fluent in Japanese by any means, but I'm sure we can try to help. I have a few resources and of the like. Don't worry about double posting if you have questions, either, we're just happy to see people taking an interest in the first place [/quote] Thank you very much. I'll try to use the sheet as much as I can, but I just wanted to know if rage-quitting with the formatting is an option before I wrestle with it for hours. I'd definitely like to see those naming/kanji resources. I'll at least take a stab at it before I bug you.