[center][h1][color=FFA07A]Momotaro[/color][/h1][/center] [center][i]Streets of Fusang, Headed Towards A Park, Sino-Japanese Quarter[/i][/center] [hr] [color=FFA07A]"Master, you are getting fresh air whether you want it or not! I admire your studiousness very much, but locking yourself away perpetually is something utterly inexcusable!"[/color] It was perhaps not an unusual sight, a servant and their master being in public in Fusang, yet in the case of a certain Peach Boy things were currently a bit...different. The blue-haired Japanese servant was currently [i]dragging[/i] his master, by the back of her collar at that, deeper into the city and away from their residence. His brows were furrowed as he pulled her along, not even looking back save to seemingly do so to formally chide her like some kind of lecturing parent once in a while. [color=FFA07A]"You may read, but you shall do so in the park. Fresh air shall stimulate your faculties, physical and mental, and be a good for your health!"[/color] On the other hand, the kimono the male servant donned was simple but very well made, nothing new in this area, and yet Momotaro seemed to garner some raised eyebrows as he moved along unflinchingly. It was nothing new, perhaps, as his rather 'pretty' features were still mildly confusing to some of the populace when it came to his actual gender.