[center][b][h3][color=fff200]Clio Stormchaser Jedi Sentinel In Training[/color][/h3][/b] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/ZRSPHxrN/a469e728eaaf984d60db1dca7588adb0.png[/img] [color=fff200][i]Born on Coruscant, Clio's mother was a smuggler and her father was a politician - an awkward relationship to say the least.... Her parents died when she was just six years old. She and her twin sister, Bellona, were taken by Rey's Jedi Order in order to be trained, due to their force sensitivities. Neither twin is aware of the prophecy regarding their fate. Clio has always enjoyed learning about the past, loving to walk through ruins and discover ancient, oft forgotten texts. On the path of the Jedi Sentinel, Clio tends to approach problems craftily, drawing on her skills acquired scavenging and adventuring and tinkering to help her on her way.[/i][/color] [/center] [quote=From the Star Wars Wiki on Sentinels]The Jedi Sentinel were a sub-sect of the Jedi Order that sought a balance between the two extremes of the Jedi, the Jedi Consulars and the Jedi Guardians. They possessed adequate combat skills and had somewhat extensive knowledge of the Force. Along with this blended knowledge of both combat and the Force, they also possessed exceptional non-Force skills in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. These skills tended to take the forefront in their middle-road approach to problems; while a Guardian might bash down a locked door and a Consular might simply knock, a Sentinel would instead pick the lock. A Sentinel's default lightsaber color was yellow, but—like guardian Jedi and consular Jedi—the choice of color was up to the preference of the individual.[/quote] [quote=From the Star Wars Wiki on Coruscant, her home planet]Coruscant (known in antiquity as Notron) was a planet that, over the centuries, had developed into an ecumenopolis. This world-spanning city was referred to as "Coruscant," but its actual name changed during time, becoming Galactic City during the Imperial period. Located in the Galactic Core, Coruscant was often the seat of galactic affairs throughout recorded history and was the capital of the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.Many also believe it was the ancient homeworld of Humans.[/quote]