As she lead him down the alleyway, several windows would slowly close. Any person that could have looked their way for any reason suddenly seemed uninterested, the commotion of the crowd muffled somewhat. There was one man that had been in the alleyway, but as soon as he looked at the pair, his eyes were averted elsewhere, and he walked past them, nearly bumping into Harun--almost as if he hadn't seen them. There was an odd silence once she reached the end, a few crates separating them from the rest of the populace on the other side. The woman finally stopped as she approached the crates, stopping only to hoist herself onto one of them, elegantly perching herself as she crossed her legs. "Call me Lakshmi," She replied as she folded her hands on her lap. "Worry not, I will not keep you in suspense for long. I am in need of a favor that if done, will grant you something you seek." She paused briefly as she smoothed out the material on her leg, continuing with, "You look like a man that has seen his way around and holds little regard for the frivolity of the visiting nobles. Two traits I am in need of." Despite the lack of a smile on her face, her blue eyes held no malice; they could be described as curious, as if searching his for something. "As I'm sure you are far more than aware, the celebrations have resulted in a mass of nobles all gathering around. One in particular by the name of Qadir has brought something of great value to Khedive Raoul. He went out of his way to obtain it, with many a throat slit and enough blood split to fuel several rituals. Many pains were taken to ensure its safety, although I believe liberating it would make far more of an interesting tale." "Before I go on, however...tell me, what do they call you?"