[center][b][h3][color=orange]Bellona Stormchaser Jedi Consular in Training[/color][/h3][/b] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/44B1sD9J/Webp-net-resizeimage.jpg[/img] [color=orange][i]Bellona was born on Coruscant along with her twin sister Clio, to a somewhat strange combination of parents, a mother who was a smuggler, and a father who was a politician. Unfortunately, when she was 6 years old, both of her parents died, and not long thereafter she and her sister were brought to the new Jedi Order that was formed by Rey due to their force sensitivities. She has no idea about the prophecy concerning her and her sister. However she is somewhat different in the ways she deals with problems, as she is in training to become a Jedi Consular, preferring to try and use non-violent means to still get the same results. However she is not one to back down should the need arise for her to pick up her lightsaber for a fight.[/i][/color][/center] [quote=From the Star Wars Wiki on Consulars]Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force. While Jedi Consulars would attempt to avoid conflict for as long as possible, the Consulars were sensible and carried a lightsaber, often with a green blade to symbolize their commitment to peace. Jedi Consulars were also able to focus their Force usage against their enemies, which made it harder for opponents to resist a Consular's Force powers.[/quote]