Hi y'all! This is my first time really posting on this particular site, but I have roleplayed on another site. The formatting here is a little different, so I am still getting used to that, but I do hope anyone who is interested with be patient with me while I try to figure it out. It has been a while since I've roleplayed regularly, due primarily to the site I usually use dying a slow and painful death (it's still up, but I feel it's losing members and I have sort of outgrown it). I'm hoping this site will help me get back into it and have me RPing more again. Some things you should know about me: I absolutely love the [i]Throne of Glass[/i] and [i]A Court of Thorns and Roses[/i] series. I also enjoyed watching Netflix's [i]The Witcher[/i] and Peter Jackson's adaptation of [i]The Lord of the Rings.[/i] There are certainly others, but I can't think of them all right now and you wouldn't want me to. To keep it short, I love the whole medieval fantasy vibe. And I can't complain when there is a touch of romance thrown in. So I wanted to start an RP that incorporates these things. Nothing very strict and serious. If there are many takers, I will compile of list of rules and things to make sure everyone is on the same page. Until then, I just want to let you know what I was thinking. [color=ed145b]A cold wind blew down from the mountain. Ana pulled her cloak tighter around herself and pressed into what little warmth her tent could provide. Her cold-stiffened fingers held tight to the medallion on her neck, its smooth edges a small comfort in the King's Pass Mountains. Many who entered the pass didn't come out the other side; she planned to be one of those who did. She watched the shadows that lengthened against the canvas flaps of the tent. It had been two days since she attempted the Pass. She hadn't got very far. Her new plan was to venture back down to the village she had passed through on her way and send out word that she was looking for eager travelling companions. There was no way she could make the journey on her own, not if she wished to survive. It would be dangerous, but people would do stupid things if they were desperate enough for coin. And if Ana found what she was looking for -- the tomb of King Segarus -- she would have plenty.[/color] Obviously the plot leaves much to be desired. I want only the bare bones and for it to develop as we go along. I've always found those to be more fun, at least in my opinion, than some of the more rigid RPs. The RP will start in [color=ed145b]Stagcross[/color], the small village that Ana has made her way back to, and will continue from there, though everyone should try to steer toward the [color=ed145b]King's Pass Mountains[/color] since that is where Ana is striving to reach. If anyone is interested in helping me further develop this story and being part of this RP, please let me know! I'm excited to try and get back into it once again.