Noticing Rayth’s distracted gaze, she started to turn her head to see what had apparently caught his attention, but he refocused on her and responded to her answer. A proud grin tugged at her lips as his mention of the casinos. “I managed to sneak into one, once. Wouldn’t say you’re missing out on much.” Her expression deepened, remembering how close she’d come to getting caught by security. Thankfully, they’d been understaffed that day, and she’d been there with another friend on a dare, further stretching their resources. He’d gotten caught, sure, but the weasel deserved it, and at least had the loyalty to not rat her out. She’d heard that the place had increased security measures after that. Rayth’s own answer drew her from the short-lived reverie. “[i]Albuquerque?[/i]” she repeated through a chortle. Of all the places she’d expect a vampire to be from, Albuquerque hadn’t made it to the consideration list. The thought of one being from [i]anywhere[/i] in America just seemed strange. The surprised amusement at his hometown wiped from her face at his next question. She looked from him to the ground in front of their feet. “I needed to get out of town, a.s.a.p.,” she began, her tone darkening. “Saw an advertisement for the circus at the station, and LA happened to be the next bus out.” Trying to re-lighten her own mood, she looked back to him. “Let me tell you, jumping on the next one available without checking how long it’ll take is [i]not[/i] a good idea. I swear. Longest. Bus ride. [i]ever.[/i] And I’m pretty sure the teller overcharged me,” she added, scowling at the ever nearing fence. Eager to change the subject, she took a slight step further from him and looked him over with a calculating eye.He certainly didn’t [i]look[/i] old enough to get into a casino on his own, but the statement had made her wonder. If he was only half immortal—if that part about vampires was even true—did he still age the same way as a human? Or was he secretly old as dirt? “So,” she continued raising her gaze to meet his, “how old [i]are[/i] you, anyway?”