Kathleen was extremely happy when Atty said that he would tell her both stories. Even if he didn't seem very happy about the other story being brought up. She didn't care honestly if it was a bad or maybe dark story though. She just wanted to hear some of his stories. Hell, she could even tell her the hunter story she had at that rate. It was a little short, but the hunters turning on each other had been fun to watch. After she lied and told Mitch she was fine, she went upstairs to get dressed. She wasn't really sure what was up with her. She didn't have a cough or anything. Just cold and kind of nauseous. Shaking her head to herself she started getting dressed. The really cute blue sweater that Lia had got her for her birthday last year and a pair of simple black jeans. Getting the rest of the way ready in the bathroom, before heading downstairs. When she came back into the kitchen the guys were talking about how it might snow today, and she frowned a little. "I hope it doesn't snow, it's already cold enough as it is." "If it does it's only supposed to be a little bit. More like hail." Mitch answered and Kathleen nodded a little before turning to Atty. "If it starts hailing I say we just get under a tree or something. Cause it looks super nice outside and it would be kind of nice to spend the day outside.” She said with a slight laugh before grabbing her coat out of the closet. When he said that Lia bagged them up some muffins for later she smiled around the corner at him. “Oh awesome, did she put blueberry ones in it too?” She asked before they made their way outside. It looked a lot warmer outside than it actually was and Kathleen pulled her coat a little tighter around her. “We should go to Checkov’s arboretum.” --- Mitch was still exhausted, and exactly happy that Lia knew how he liked his coffee and thought to make it for him. Though even now as she was making muffins he couldn't help but watch her a little more. He was glad her field worked last night, but he never could get used to her baking thing after the dreams. He watched her carefully as she went outside also. Mitch couldn't help himself, he didn't know what her dreams were about completely. From the things he had heard her scream during them, they were something traumatic, and he understood that. After Lia went outside he turned his attention more to Atty and Kat. He shrugged slightly at the look he got when he brought up the hunter story. Honestly, he was confused because he had heard a lot of Atty's stories. Kat was acting weird for herself and he couldn't help but go into guard mode and ask if she was alright. Even though she said that she was, something about her was off. Yet he nodded when she said she was fine and went upstairs. He kind of chuckled when Atty seemed weirded about the girls hugging. "They just wait until we leave for all the cute bounding stuff, I mean they are around twenty four seven. Of course they are going to actually get along." To him the idea of them hugging wasn't to off the wall, though to be fair he had grown up in a house full of women. Though when Atty said they were both acting weird, he didn't have a chance to reply before the cough at the door caught his attention. Mitch frowned a bit to himself. "I have a theory why but I'm not sure yet. If I'm right things are about to get weirder." He said before Lia came in with Edgar. Mitch watched the interaction between Atty and Lia with a bit of a smile sipping his coffee. It was amusing still how much Atty didn't know how to take Lia being nice to him. His eyes watched Lia's form head up the stairs, though he couldn't lie, only half of it was him being watchful. He blinked a bit when Atty mumbled something about it storming. "Yeah the snow storm today isn't supposed to be that bad though. And a few hours away." He said before Kat came back downstairs and he chuckled at the two of them. "Just remember to come back if it gets too cold." Soon he was left alone in the kitchen and yawned a bit, rubbing his eyes. He hoped he was wrong that both of the girls were about to or were getting sick. He didn't know how Kat acted when she was sick, but he knew how clingy Lia could get. While he didn't mind, he knew it would freak Atty out. Finishing his coffee he stretched, and washed his coffee cup, he was about to go and actually get dressed when he heard the bathroom door shut. Shrugging a bit he got the floor down for Lia before gathering his clothes and heading into the small mudroom room to change since he knew no one was in the garden. Holding the door open so Edgar, who was waddling towards him, could follow him. After getting dressed and finally brushing his hair to look neat, he patted his leg to get Edgar to come to him and picked the little duck up. Lia was back in the kitchen working on cookies, humming as she worked and Mitch just left her be and he put Edgar back on his bed. Grabbing a book he came back into the kitchen and started reading before she spoke. He was quiet for a moment. "Well Kat like the strawberry ones, I like both."