[center][b]Forgotten Ruins, Old Church:[/b][/center] The giant buster sword of the lizardman crashed down with tremendous force, and could easily have split a man in two... Yet, even with the orange glow and the reptilian's incredible strength, as soon as the blade collided with the now crossed bone-weapons that the madman was wielding, it came to an abrupt halt. The enchantment upon the metal weapon allowed it to make small cracks appear on the boney weapon it had primarily struck, but it didn't seem to be enough to actually shatter or break it outright. With a twirl and a flourish of the hands, the psychotic priest withdrew his blades, only to then deliver a scissor-like counter-blow, which cut the lizardman across his snout, leaving an 'x'-shaped cut upon it. Even with his bolsteered defense and natural scales as protection, it seemed the bone-scimitars had no problem cutting through them. Now, the wound was neither deep nor dangerous, but it did sting and hurt, and if not treated it'd leave a rather humorous scar. However, before the priest could launch into another attack, he let out a gasp-choked shriek, as the bones at the entrance of the church were temporarily breached, and another intruder flew into the place. As she summoned forht an angel and had it attack one of the deranged man's zombies, he swayed from side to side and let out a breahy, wheezing cry, as if somebody had grabbed hold of his nuts and was now twisting them around painfully. "[b]M-m-m-m-m-m-MISCREANT![/b] Defiler! Corruptor! Pervert! Heretic! How dare you? [b]HOW. DARE. YOU!?[/b]" He let out in a gargling growling call, as if his throat had been replaced by the vocal ability of a large toad. "Death....! Yes, death... Death. Deathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeath! DEATH TO THE VIOLATORRRRRRRRRRRR!!" He cried, before raising both arms skywards and letting out a barrage of strange, foreign words that honestly sounded more like jumbled pig-latin than anything else. However, as soon as he finished, three more of the corpses from the heap began to slowly rise. This new triad began to walk towards the high elf maiden, moaning and slobbering all over themselves as they approached, arms and hands stretched out, while their heads and necks rolled lazily on their shoulders. The zombie that had lost an arm to the summoned angel didn't seem all too concerned about it. It kept following Vani, now just with one arm. It didn't seem the angel's burning sword had actually set the undead ablaze - rather, it had just cauterized the wound it had inflicted upon it. The zombie that Vani had cut the head off was now lying on the ground, snarling and growling menacingly, while it's body stumbled around comically, bumping into walls and tripping over small holes in the floor. The paladin's shout at the mind-controlled archer caught the target's attention though, but unfortunately for Vani, not in a 'oh brave hero, come sav eme'-way. Instead, the archer drew her bow and aimed it at the now disarmed and slowly approaching paladin. She said something in a choppy, forced voice that was low and inaudible. However, as soon as she let loose one of her arrows, the meaning behind her words became clear. Like a bolt from a ballista, the arrow slammed into Vani's shield and shattered, but stopped the elf dead in his tracks. There was now a massive dent in the young paladin's shield where the arrow had struck. In addition, the archer moved further back, increasing the distance between the two, before unleashing another arrow that repeated the first one, creating another large indent on the holy warrior's shield. Seeing things dealt with, the madman's gaze returned to the lizard and he let out an excited '[i]woooooooooooooooooo~![/i]'-sound, before charging at the larger of the pair, swinging his blades in a flurry of cuts and slashes that seemed to come from every single angle possible - and impossible - that the lunatic could imagine. It seemed the man had not just called upon more undead when he had been casting earlier, but had also given himself some kind of dark blessing. Oh, the humanity!