Took about four months but I've kind of lost interest in the new MW. Damascus grind is annoying; I was going to go for it and already have a decent amount of golden weapons but the amount of challenges, the type of challenges (looking at you mounted and longshot kill camos) and the kills required for some camos is just tedious as fuck. On top of that there's like 40-50 guns in the game and you have to level them to max level to even start unlocking some camos, which is dumb. Gameplay is half/half. It's a mix of campers, sweaty tryhards dropshotting your ass every time they see you, and being blasted from corners you literally just checked or from some hidey-hole across the map. Maps are horrid e.g. Picadilly outside a select few (like Shoot House) and I have no idea why they decided to make the majority of the maps just absolutely huge and with dozens of doors and windows. The teams are usually 6v6 or 5v5; why do we need a map the size of the United States? Gunplay is fun though, and I do dig the gunsmith feature. And before I forget--for the love of god just give us back prestige; these officer ribbons are tedious and boring to complete. Campaign was meh. Shout out to Activision for saying the Highway of Death, an American war crime IRL, is the Russians fault lmao. But yeah, didn't really care for it and only played for the operatives you get from beating the game. Honestly wish they just gave us MW4 instead of this rebooted story line nonsense. The darker moments and the night time missions were cool, though. Would kill for a Clean House-like Spec Ops mission, where the building is randomly generated and you gotta clear it with your buddies. Coop is something I want to get more into but the AI difficulty is waaaaaaaaaaay too hard. Every time I've tried it my team always gets wiped the fuck out in the coop missions, so I've mainly stuck to multiplayer. Can't judge Warzone/BR yet because I haven't played it and I've never really played BRs so I'd probably be useless in that game mode. Anyway that's everything I can think of off the top of my head. I don't think the game is necessarily bad, but there are a lot of glaring issues that Activision seems loathe to fix, especially when they either are silent and don't say anything or take several weeks to even reply to someone, which by then they've either fixed the problem or can't do anything about it because too much time has passed (like what happened to me with s1 and the juggernaut officer ribbon). They do need to stop the shadow changes and report everything in an update log, though. The massive patches that literally break your system or force you to delete shit to even download the update need to stop too, especially when they hardly have actual content in them. Don't get me wrong, I love getting content updates, but there's hardly anything worthwhile that drops. Like c'mon, we're still rotating roughly the same map pool as we were when the game launched.