[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/05/6d/44056d5239ad91ae280dbb59813f1fce.jpg [/img] Name: Samuel "Sam/Sammy" Winchester Age: 26 Gender: Male Occupation: Hunter Personality: Kind, caring, intelligent, a little weary of outsiders but soon warms up to them, little goofy, can be serious History: Sam is the youngest of the two brothers, having no memory of his mother's death or what caused it until he was older. Because of John being gone on a hunt, Sam grew a close bond with Dean which has yet to be broken. He eventually left hunting behind to become a law student and even had a girlfriend he loved. Unfortunately, she died before his eyes, sending him back into hunting with his brother to avenge her death. Now that he unintentionally released Lucifer, he has no choice but to find a way to stop him. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9b/57/e1/9b57e1d50482d2e2363b139fe573f70f.jpg[/img] Name: Evelyn "Evie" Van Helsing Age: 14 Gender: Female Occupation: Hunter in Training Personality: smart, untrusting of others, comes off tough but she's still a kid who knows how dangerous the world is, especially given her surname History: Evie grew up unaware of her bloodline until her parents were murdered when she was four, causing her guardian to take in the orphan and teach her everything about her family while keeping her safe. Evie learned quickly but still wasn't ready for a true hunt despite knowing how to deal with most things. Now the tensions have risen as her and her guardian have been spotted and are being closely followed.