[img]https://em.wattpad.com/74b2778171b34f0b3193c3a08531a2af9f256b3c/68747470733a2f2f74762d66616e617469632d7265732e636c6f7564696e6172792e636f6d2f69752f732d2d4673766d717871412d2d2f745f736c69646573686f772f665f6175746f2c666c5f6c6f7373792c715f37352f76313339383230323039342f6465616e2d6c65616e696e672d6f6e2d7468652d696d70616c612e6a7067?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img] [b]Dean Winchester[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Dean Winchester, an understanding, funny, mischievous, and, in contrast to his younger brother, a little immature. Dean's shown countless times to be good with kids and the ladies. At an early age, Dean was trained by his father, John Winchester, to hunt and kill creatures of the supernatural. However, unlike his brother Sam, he did not resent his father for having him "raised like a warrior". He seemed to prefer hunting the supernatural over any normal "apple pie" life, though it was revealed that when he was sixteen, he did in fact desire (or at least hope for) a normal life: he just couldn't leave Sam. This, however, did not last long, as later on - while still sixteen - following a werewolf hunt, he realized just how unique his life was. Dean is an avid fan of classic rock music. Many of his aliases have included the names of famous rock musicians. He is known to use crude humor, use pop culture references, make sexual innuendos, and indulge in pornography (especially about Busty Asian Beauties). He has even stated once that he does enjoy anime and Japanese animated porn (Hentai). Dean values his family's safety over anything else, even going so far as to kill a demon and its human host in order to save Sam's life, as well as sacrificing his very soul and suffering in hell to resuscitate his brother. Even though Dean keeps himself in excellent physical shape, he is known to have very bad eating habits. He is often shown enjoying greasy, fattening or otherwise unhealthy food, especially cheeseburgers and pie, and dismisses salads as "rabbit food." Dean is terrified of flying and claims that is the reason why he drives everywhere, especially his Baby(black 1967 Chevrolet Impala). ________________________________________________________________________________ [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/78/db/0b78dbba06ab863513aaa1dd0a387e21.jpg[/img] [b]Castiel "Cas"[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Castiel is a strong, determined, impulsive, competitive and naïve celestial being. Like most angels, Castiel expresses little to no emotion, which creates flaws and complexities in his persona. Despite this, he does not display the blank apathy or mocking superiority that seems to characterize angels such as Uriel or Lucifer. His lack of emotion and understanding of human behavior such as sarcasm has led to several humorous situations throughout and has occasionally gotten him into trouble with humans, ultimately leaving Dean or Sam to amend the situation. He does, however, become close friends with the brothers, who encourage him to be kinder, more caring and more selfless. Unlike some of his brethren, Castiel still has faith in God, though not to the zealot-like extent displayed by Michael. While he admits he may not always understand what God wants and may question his reasoning, Castiel always follows his father to the best of his abilities. This, along with his interest in humans, has caused other angels to label him as weak or naïve, but also peculiar. Anna and Lucifer have both displayed this attitude, with Anna calling him a hypocrite for refusing to rebel in order to gain more freedom. Castiel briefly loses this faith after Joshua reveals that God doesn't care and falls into a depression for some time. However, when God resurrects him for a second time, his faith returns. Castiel frequently exhibits what could be referred to as affection towards Dean, and seems to express regret, hesitance, and anger at several points. Being around the Winchesters, paired with his experiences in the War, have taught Castiel several "tricks" that have helped him. While not possessing free will in the same sense as a human, Castiel has learned how to bend the rules at times. The best example is when he informs Dean about Chuck's archangel, thereby giving Dean the idea to use him to save Sam from Lilith. He was also able to distract Meg long enough to use her. This was similar to a trick Uriel performed to free Alastair, Castiel used Meg for his trick to free himself, from a ring of holy fire. It is also possible he learned from the demon Crowley to wipe out loyalists of his adversary, Raphael. Castiel also considers himself to be the Winchester's personal guardian angel.