[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bW2PNFV.png[/img][/center] Annabelle took a cookie from Cecilia as well, seeming almost skittish to even reach out at the girl. A few munches, and she found her gaze drifting down to her own attire. Artemisia wasn't wrong, but it was an opinion. Annabelle had gone through quite a lot in these clothes, minimal as they were. She was no knight, no aristocrat. Her natural hardiness had done most of the work in keeping her protected, and perhaps a good deal of luck here and there. She wouldn't deny to herself that they'd be difficult to part with. But in the end, she'd been told the same sentiment as Artemisia's several times already. Maybe it was time. She certainly didn't want to annoy the group she was possibly going to fight alongside for however long. The black-haired girl nodded up at Artemisia. "Okay, but... I don't have very much money," she said. The truth of it was partly the reason she was so bare in the first place. She didn't dare talk about the second reason, at risk of embarrassing herself in front of the others forevermore.