Seb let a reluctant sigh out as he came to a stop before he could vanish amidst the winding tunnels below the school. It seemed like there might actually be a job for the “team” today, hopefully one that would work out better than last time. With the mish-mash that formed up the Detentionee’s though, him included, he was dubious that the job would go smoothly. “Oh well, there goes a peaceful afternoon,” he muttered to himself as he turned around, passing Nikki by as he went to stand behind Farah. He had been too far to actually hear anything of real importance about the three and figured a bit of information on what he was getting into would be nice. It wasn’t like he needed to get changed or anything, the transformation was grotesque enough that he was completely unrecognizable even if he only went part-way. It was hell on his clothes if he didn’t have a chance to throw them off before a fight, but between getting other Heroes called up for a monster on the roof tops, or running around shirtless, his options were fairly limited. He dismissed the thoughts with a shake of his head and yet another sigh as he finally reached “mission control”. Hands on the back of her chair, and leaning ever so slightly on it to catch her attention, Seb muttered, [b]“Mind bringing up any information on the three you can find Farlah?”[/b] Despite his apparent reluctance, Seb actually itched for a chance at some real work. His part in the last job had gotten cut short thanks to Euan after all.