Idea: A thread where people can come to post their ideas, without it turning into an entire conversation about the pros/cons of the idea. Because sometimes it's nice to see if people agree with you. [quote=@Kuro] Breaking the thread rules here, but the guild already has every color available. You just need the hexcode since only some colors are available by their actual name e.g. green or yellow. [/quote] Eh, ideally you would have mentioned this through a PM, but you're trying to be helpful which is the idea. [quote=@Inkarnate] [/quote] I'll add this to the opener, but go ahead and say it here, too; The point of this is not to actually go in-depth into suggestions, the whys and hows, or anything like that. It's just somewhere for people to make their suggestions, just to see how many people like the idea. [quote=@Jasper19] [@Kuro] Ahh ok didn't know that thx :) [/quote] Again, this interaction has been wonderfully positive. However, ideally, this would be done over a PM. See, if the idea had just been left there, and a TON of people 'liked' it, it'd show that, maybe, that's something that could be made clearer on the website in general.