[hider=My Hider] Archetype: Magus Lord [b]Name[/b]: Kitorai Valueleta [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a9/cf/bf/a9cfbf9ea0c351d49e6492583ec61ddb.png [/img] [b]Titles[/b]: Two-Faced Lord (in his youth) Cunning Old Dog Bestest Grandpa in the World (granddaughter only) [b]Alignment[/b]: Lawful Neutral [b]Sex[/b]: Male [hider=Personality] Once upon a time Kitorai was a shrewd and cruel man, using underhanded methods to get his way and backstabbing everyone who let his guard down around him. But that is to be expected of the head of one of the most affluential families in the Clock Tower. Nowadays, Kitorai, contrary to his younger days, it’s content with just letting the day pass by him while sipping tea on peace, doting on his grandchild along the way. That is not to say he abandoned his magus ideals, if one were to push his buttons, say, like insulting his esteemed family name, he will stop at nothing to see such act be punished with severe intensity. In a high-stakes situation, like say, a war, he would use every resource in his hands to stay on top of the competition, as long as it didn’t break the rules of the moonlit world [/hider] [hider=Background] History: The Valueleta name is one both revered and feared throughout the Clock Tower as one of the most successful and oldest magus families around, and when it came time for young Kitorai to inherit the mantle of Head of his House he showed up to the occasion. He managed to navigate the muddy waters that is politics on the Association, gaining both favors and enemies alike, acted as head of the Creation department for 30 years, made his contribution to the family magic crest, married to a powerful enough woman and when the time came, passed both his crest and his position to his son. Truly, from what for other families would be the achievements of a generation, for Kitorai it was just what was expected of him, and even then he would be remembered as just another Valueleta, and his tenure as the head forgotten to the years. But this wasn’t enough for him, he wanted more, he wanted to be remembered as HIM, not as another member of his family. And so, he first reached the most common conclusion most magi get, if not for the wrong reasons: he needed to reach the Root, not for the “truth” that resided in it, but to be forever remembered as the one who did it. After many years of ceaseless research on his craft, he reached his answer: he was just not good or lucky enough, and he didn’t have the drive necessary to follow on this path until his last breath. Then, he started to travel the world to maybe make his name known to the masses, but after many close calls assassinations attempts from old political enemies he decided it was not worth the trouble. Tired from all this, he returned to his family state, where he passed his days quietly. One late afternoon, his son, now married and with one daughter, brought her so she could finally meet her grandfather. When he saw her, then, and only then he realized just how many years he wasted in his search for recognition, when the answer was in front of him the whole time: he didn’t have to become famous Association wide, he just needed to be renowned in his own family. And so he started to be the best grandfather he could, showering her with gifts and being a reprieve of the long lessons she was imparted with. One day, he saw her fall while running around on the backyard of their mansion, and while she didn’t cry as it was improper of her, Kitorai still got worried at the slightly bleeding knee she had. “We human are so fragile, and while it’s still one in a million chances, if my descendants die then not only i, but our whole line will be forgotten. This can not be”. So he called in favours and got to work: large quantities of pure precious metals, a armor made of one of the strongest alloys in the modern world and a lot of time later, he created what he like to believe is what is going to make him not only famous for generations to come, but maybe, just maybe, with time and later heads making their own modifications, be comparable to a magic crest on its own. And then he got invited to a Holy Grail War, a real one, in Las Vegas.For Kitorai this was a chance, a chance to not only test his creation, but to see if it was up to the task of defending his descendants. In the worst case scenario, it wasn’t and he would die, but that was ok with him, better him that anyone else in his family. But if he won, not only he would have proved to the world his genius and might, he would also have a wish for anything… but that was a bridge he would cross it when and IF the time came. [/hider] Quality of Magic Circuits: A Quantity of Magic Circuits: A Abnormal Abilities: [b]General Magecraft[/b]:Kitorai has a theorical knowledge of a great number of subjects related to magecraft, including but not limited to: Creation, Mineralogy, General Fundamentals and Astrology. As an effect of this Kitorai knows how to create and disassemble bounded fields, make familiars, hypnotize regular people if the situation requires it, curse people in very minor ways and write Geis [b]Reinforcement[/b]: While reinforcement is an elementary spell that every magus know the basics off, the Valueleta managed to put their own spin on it: thanks to their dual elemental affinity of water and earth they can embed and manipulate the flow of their magical energy extremely well when they use it on an object. Each member of the family utilize this effect how they see fit. In Kitorai case, he’s proficient in reinforcing select parts of an object, like just the tip of a lance, for example, so his mana expenditure is practically nil when using this spell. [b]Affluent Association[/b]: In his long tenure as the Head of his house Kitorai amassed a fair share of allies that owed him favours, and while he spended a few of them in order to create his Magnus Opus, that still leave him with a dozens or so of very powerful people, both in the magical and ordinary world, able to move a few strings if he need it. Kitorai, of course, have the unconditional support of his own family, as his son is the current head, and, as one of the greatest noble families both in and out the magical world, there are very little hurdles his name alone can’t pass, but aside from that he has strong ties with the Mineralogy and Creation department, as he has a powerful friend in one and was head for 30 years of the other one. Equipment: [b]Mystic Code: Gemma Armis[/b] A customized, full set of armor originally made from an alloy of titanium and steel that he commissioned from one his contacts, Kitorai further improved it by melting and fusing various precious metal in specifics parts of the armor for their interactions with magical energy. These modifications include: [b]*[/b]Intricate veins grafted on the inside part of the cuirass made of an alloy of copper and silver, for their conductive properties, permitting the magical energy to circulate with extreme efficiency to all the other parts. [b]*[/b]The cuirass itself is made of tungsten, representing extraordinary endurance and resistance. Inside the chest cavity there is a space where Kitorai fitted a mana reactor, in the low chance that he’s left without mana of his own, via overuse of the armor or other circumstances. [b]*[/b]Sabatons whose sole are aligned with an special iron bought from a magi family specialized in astrology. When activated with the phrase “Sicut supra, ita infra”, the user becomes very difficult to move from where he is standing, as moving him would be as paramount as moving a part of the sky. As above so below, as iron is both the heart of the earth and part of universe and sky itself. [b]*[/b]Gauntlets fused with Gold, metal symbolizing power, wealth and prosperity. But, metaphors aside, they are made so Kitorai can punch people very hard. While any of these individuals effect would surely be its own effective mystic code, Kitorai made it so they would work in perfect harmony when worn together, truly, this work of art , if made public, would be talked for generations to come. But before that, he has to made sure it up to the task, and what better place to prove it that a Holy Grail War... Miscellaneous: [b]Charisma[/b]: Kitorai played the politics game for a long time. He knows how to lie convincingly and how to spot said lies, has a silver tongue when the situation demands it and it’s not afraid to play the senile old man when needed. [b]Blank Credit Card: A credit card with practically unlimited funds in it. [/b] [b]Brawling[/b]: The only “fighting style” Kitorai knows and learned on his travels while he was of middle age, his action plan is to just go in and punch the opposition without restrain. [b]3 spare mana reactors (small size)[/b]: Kitorai liked to be prepared for any situation. [b]Photo of his Granddaughter[/b]: A photo he has so he can presume his granddaughter to everyone he meets. Partly because he IS proud of her, and partly to play the character his age represents. [/hider]