Dreamless sleep. Dreamless yet as comfortable as any motel bed would ever bring to the older Winchester. Dean had practically crashed when they arrived, set up the room out habit and showered. Now all he knew was that someone was shaking his shoulder to wake him. Having slept on his side and his back having been faced to Sam, Dean had rolled over to get a glimpse of the one that was disturbing his sleep. It took Dean's mind to wake up with him to process that it was his brother and where he was before he relaxed. It also took a moment to process what his brother was even saying. "Alright alright. I'm up." Dean groaned as he sat up wearing a shirt and boxers. He looked at the window, then his young brother. "What time is it?" He asked before pulling the Five-Seven from under his pillow and pulled his bag from under his bed to grab some clothes out to get dressed.