[h2]Ferd Smith[/h2] Ferd raised an eyebrow as the two newcomers nearly spoke over eachother. The large man, who Ferd could now see was balding, had answered first, but he had only barely finished when the other one spoke up. Ferd did a slight double take when he noticed the second mans appearance. If the term "gumshoe" could have taken on a life of it's own, then it would have looked like this man. He stifled back a laugh. True the man might not be a private eye, but it'd sure be a shame if he wasn't. Ferd addressed both men, "No paint on the outside huh?" He tapped his foot for a moment, walking all the way out of the living room and leaning against the doorframe. "That sure is strange." He bit his lower lip, about to slip away into deep thought, when he remembered the newcomers had asked him some other questions, and that the detective looking one was still approaching the front door. Ferd felt a sudden chill. He suddenly felt very aware of the crumbling house around him, remembering that the symbol in the window had to have been put there by someone, probably the same people who had somehow caused the inside of the house to undergo nearly a century of rot within a matter of days. His eye's darted back and forth between the two strange men standing outside the home. He realized he'd been assuming that they had been called here by Harry as well, and he'd nearly welcomed them in without a second thought. But what did he know about them? They could easily be responsible for whatever was going on here. They could be hostile. He felt a shiver go up his spine as without warning his mind began to imagine what men with the power to age a house by a hundred years could do to a human body. He straitened up, putting his hands in his pockets. This was no time to be sloppy, sloppy men were dead men and he didn't plan on dying just yet. He called over his shoulder to Val, "Hey Val, come on down." Looking back at the strange men, he said louder, "We've got a situation." It crossed his mind that he wasn't really sure he could trust Val, but he figured that if Val was his enemy it would be better not to let the man know that Ferd was suspicious of him. Keep your friends close and enemies closer as the saying went. Alright. He took a long shallow breath. Show time. With that he dropped into survival mode, his face and body losing all forms of expression, becoming blank slates for him to write on. What did he need right now? Should he appear naïve? No that left to many variables. Should he be forward and tell everyone his suspicions? No that could provoke a head on attack if they were hostile. No the best thing right now was to obtain as much control of the situation as he could. His eyes became steely, his posture commanding, and his voice took on a tone of authority. "I don't know who you two are, but you'd better not come any closer just now." If Val could be trusted, then Ferd knew if it came to a fight he could really use whatever firepower the man had with him. Hoping Val was on the stairs and was watching him by now he spread his hand wide behind his back and waved ever so slightly. He then used it to pat at his coat pocket, pretending he was looking for something. He hoped Val got the message. The last thing he wanted was for the man to come out guns blazing, so hopefully he understood that Ferd wanted him to have whatever gun he had at the ready. Just in case. Turning his attention back to the strangers, Ferd used the hand he'd used to signal Val and jerked a thumb behind him, gesturing towards the stairs he hoped Val was descending. "My partner and I have a developing situation on our hands." Folding his arms he glared down at the both of them, "I'm sorry to say it but right now we are going to have to ask anyone we find nearby this house to produce some proof of identity, and a damn good reason for being here. " He paused for dramatic effect and raised an eyebrow, "We don't have enough information on this case to put anyone above suspicion."