[@Kala] [h2][center][color=ed1c24]Red Archer[/color][/center][/h2] [color=ed1c24]“Hmm. So this is the modern world.” That was the first thing he had said to his master. [/color] Archer had seemed a imposing man, quiet but imposing. He asked basic analytical questions, mainly about the powers of his master, and on his own abilities. Proud, confident. He boasted of his raw power, and his ability, but delving into the specifics he was surprisingly precise and analytical. Despite his ego, he was, befitting his history, the hunter from which Israel fled from. But that all changed the moment he noticed the city around them as they left the space that they met in. Jumping up to a lamp post to crouch over and hold onto, he let out a whistle as he took in the overwhelming sights of Las Vegas. His eyes had a glint of hunger, the excitement of anticipation as they scanned the bright cityscape. [color=ed1c24]“I want to head out and have fun, master. I’ll give you victory, but it’s fine if I go out, right?”[/color] He grinned. His blood was practically boiling, his gaze unable to focus as he looked at attraction after attraction. Just how many things were there? [color=ed1c24]“Oh?.. that’s a crazy drink. It’s a buncha colors. Blue.. purple… pink… orange. Wait, that’s food? That’s not bread.. Wait is that bread? I’m not sure even I could fit that into my mouth.”[/color] The sight of an experienced hunter, and the city-viewing gaze of the Archer class. Perhaps one could call it frivolous, but from there Archer could see all about the city and the details of the various ongoers gorging themselves on vice and fun. At the time he even looked rather lighthearted, almost childish in how he practically salivated at the notion of joining them to sate himself. But then he let out a quiet [color=ed1c24]“Hmf.”[/color] one signifying self-satisfaction before leaping back down. He raised his head over his shoulder, and looked over to his master with a growing grin. [color=ed1c24]“If there’s anyone strong they’ll come out, for me. So don’t worry, just by walking out I promise a battle. Ah but wait a minute.”[/color] He smiled normally and laughed. [color=ed1c24]“Do you even eat? A normal, genuine question. “Well, it’s a little weird if you stand around eating while I don’t but that’s fine with me.”[/color] Really, it wasn’t like that he needed to eat either. But that wasn’t what his body was telling him. Life was about using your strength, and enjoying life because of your strength. It was as simple as that, and for him his power itself was an enjoyment too. [color=ed1c24]"I think I get an idea of where I can fight. There's a lot of variety here, but this place is small compared to the forests I've been around. Easy enough, I could hit something from one side at the other... maybe. I guess it's harder if it's a human sized target. I'm better at hunting monsters. But when it comes to fighting I'm strong."[/color]