Unlike the female Saiyan Burnet easily found food on Fealt even when ignoring the meat from the invasive herbivores, he was a Frugivore after all. He did have something he agreed with Rabi on though, for the most part the planet was kinda boring. Sure killing the invaders was something but they were still just animals and didn't require a lot of effort to defeat. However bored as he was he knew better than to harass his fellow mercenaries. After all he didn't know them well enough to be able to judge their reactions yet and if he accidentally went too far he might burn some bridges. So instead he spent most of the time outside as well trying to teach the natives some card games hoping to get them good enough to make cheating at least some what of a challenge. So far he didn't have much luck but it was better than nothing, even though he had no idea what he was gonna do with all the different fruits he had won. Eating them before they would spoil was unlikely and while he could share with the other Planet Breakers that wasn't his style, though he wouldn't mind at all if he noticed someone "stealing" a few of them. With no other idea in mind to kill time he decided that he could at least try to get some training in. While snacking on his favorite fruit from Fealt, some kinda blueberry the size of an apple he approached Rabi. He knew enough about Saiyans to be reasonably sure she would be up for a spar. Unfortunately for him she turned out to be asleep. After a few seconds Burnet came to the conclusion that this might actually be a good chance to prank her without getting caught. Settling on something minor but more childish then his usual style he went back to the Scatter to find a marker.