[center] [h1][color=a187be]Nenet Isis Titania[/color][/h1] [h3]Summerlin Bellagio[/h3] [hr] [/center] Truth be told, Nenet was a little bit disappointed in the results of her summoning. Not because her contracted partner was weak, far from it- in terms of raw combat potential, one could rarely ask for more than a Saber-class Servant. No, she was disappointed because of how fixed this whole system was. The curses of compulsion for this war weren't just crystallized magical energy, but actual curses- the process of weaving them meant it wasn't the sort of thing she could casually reproduce. The spiritual foundation of a Servant was also a relatively fixed existence, given what her hopes for a Ghost Liner's transience had been. Well, in the first place, rudimentary protections had been established, so she could at least speak and act freely, without worrying about others watching. [color=a187be]"A-ny-way, no offense or anything, but we're coming into here disadvantaged. Catalysts for the bigshots don't really exist anymore, but that doesn't change that our personal combat acumen's going to be lower than a lot of the others here. A lot of that's my fault- I'm not much of a fighter."[/color] Ah well. Like with any task, there are ways to circumvent the obstacles. [color=a187be]"So, time for a lesson in how my organization and I work. Basically, if there's not a predicted 'future with a victory', a member of Atlas won't fight. The others who've been attracted here are undoubtedly superior to me at fighting, just like how a few of the other Servants here are probably superior to you when it comes to fighting. So, we need alternate methods to achieve victory. For us, fighting means assembling the proper ingredients ahead of time, to create a future where we win. This is the creed of Atlas- we don't fight the enemy, we fight our own minds."[/color] Thought Acceleration is the magic of Atlas. Going beyond merely thinking quickly, it is the process of applying that ability to multi−expansion diagrams. And furthermore, superior alchemists must have multiple sectors in their brains. If Thought Acceleration is proof of an alchemist, then the number of sectors is proof of their facilities.  An outsider would understand Memory Partition as simply dividing one 'thought' into rooms, but that would be the limit of a strictly average alchemist. Superior alchemists may perform first−order tetrations of their 'thought' into rooms. As that is the case, then: [Goal designated: Acquisition of Wishes|Demons.] Hundreds of thousands of 'rooms' roared to life. [Check FINISHED. With current variables and natural status of this world's progression|Pruning, the total number of branches|futures is estimated as 132,462,221.]  [Check FINISHED. In order to maximize opportunity for victory|completion, variables must be solved|eradicated such that the upper bound is restricted|Pruned to an upper limit of 823,543, as per the calculative capacity of this unit|self.] [Check FINISHED. Determination|eradication of variables has begun.] Clothes, bone, and flesh split apart, and inside of the open wound, a 'door' awaited. An oppressive darkness, not endless, but without dimensions altogether. Within the depths of that ceaseless darkness, a thousand lights shined, and shapes began to emerge from that door. Like shadows streaking across the ground as the sun set below the sky, they flowed out from that tear as it sealed itself once again. [Check FINISHED. Solving|eradication of variables must occur in such a way that opportunity for victory|completion within restricted|Pruned futures is maximized.] [Check FINISHED. First-order means of accomplishing maximization is through empowering|evolving primary existence of this unit|self and secondary existence of Saber|Knife.] [Check FINISHED. Process for empowerment|evolution of Saber|Knife to improve victory|completion parameters by 10.1% determined.] The alchemist looked to her partner and smiled, gesturing for her to take a seat as she did the same. [color=a187be]"Now, to start things off, why don't we talk about that idol of yours? Tomoe, right?"[/color]