The drive was about an hour-long for the brothers. They to the cheapest motel they could afford, knowing they were going to need to see the officials of the town, get as much information as they could on the case to see what they could do about the Vamps. This required their suits and badges and as much as Dean hated the suits, it was necessary to get the information they needed. Once the suit was on, Dean was back in the car and they were off. Heading to the station, talks were rather short as sweet and the officers gave them the files, including each girl killed and where within the town. Once that happened, they could go check out some of the places that were abandoned. It was rather interesting so far how many abandoned areas there were. But better to scope them out from the outside while they had daylight. "Got to say, that was quite a few files they gave us. How long were they killing of these girls being spanned out Sam?" Does Dean ask while they were walking into an alley.