There was a mix of disappointment on Scott's face- though it was mostly hidden by his mask- as his attempt at webbing the violent green... humanoid... went literally up in literal flames. He shot a glance at the... fan? stranger? fellow super-powered-person? However, he reacted before he could speak. At this point, certain things had become automatic for him. It seemed dodging flames was one of them. As Strand began to flip in the air, a surge of sensation overtook him. He saw a short girl with red hair throwing half a car back at the big green ghoulie. He saw people running away- two groups of two. They weren't as clear, but one of them was bleeding. As the moment returned to him, Strand glanced at his wrist mounted web-device. Things were a little too high stakes to risk too many canister changes. The figure emerging from the smoke and speaking to Marcus made it feel like blades of burning ice were running up and down Scott's body. That guy was bad news. But why did he seem so familiar? That... wasn't important right now. He had a plan. Or at least he hoped he did. There was a loud [i]thud[/i] and a resounding [i][b]Crunch![/b][/i] as the half-of-car landed on the green... whatever. In an instant, it was completely hidden by the wreckage of the car. Scott had the feeling it wouldn't last for long. And that was saying something. Raising his right arm, Strand fired a web-line out to a high point- an ornamental flying buttress on one of the buildings, and began to swing in a wide circle. With quite a notable [i]slap[/i], he landed near a tall, skinny lad and a girl who looked like she needed a bit of medical attention. They were heading through an alley- bad move. "[color=gray]Hey, going through an alley isn't that bright of an idea with-[/color]" his words were cut off by the slamming of metal on cement, as the flaming creature burst from hiding within the time it took him to cross half the street and reach their position, "[color=gray]-that going on. Things are about to get real busy, real quick. I'd hate to see you guys get mugged, or crushed by falling debris. Stick to open streets if you're going to run. Be quick if you're going to fight,[/color]" despite the concern in his voice, there was a bright, comforting smile on his face. And with that, Strand leaped off, still holding tight to his web line. He could tell they had powers too. He wasn't sure why, or what kind, but they felt similar to how Marcus's had- similar to his. Spinning out his line, he circled back and landed next to the shorter girl. She looked beaten up, but his vision had been right- she survived. That was good. His landing was a bit too fast, but he didn't have much of a choice. The impact left stinging in his arms and knees as he rolled along the street, and into an upright position. "[color=gray]You can throw cars, huh?[/color]" he began, nodding absently as he paused, before resigning himself to action, "[color=gray]Watch my back.[/color]" With that, he ran off. For a moment, he seemed to be charging directly into the melee, until he veered off, and began to scramble up a wall. Making his way to a fire escape, Scott fired his last web-line out over the street. Even as it flew, aimed at the pyromaniac's feet, he shimmied his arm to hook the feed over a street lamp. From this angle, all he'd have to do was fall, and it would rip the... whatever it was... right off its... his? feet. This was, however, pretty risky for Scott himself. "[color=gray]Watch your neck![/color]" he called out, particularly to Marcus, as he took a dive off the fire-escape, and began plummeting to the ground, gripping the web-line tight.