[center] [h2]Explorer's Guild Hall[/h2] Malstom Republic of Laith, Samare Spring, Archor 22 - Igni Early afternoon, clear weather [/center] [hr] Although Malstom's Guild Hall's design is unusual compared to other Guild Halls across the continent, it's interior would be familiar to anyone who has visited a Guild Hall before. Stone walls, with wooden supports. A spacious interior, with plenty of empty stalls merchants could make use of, though none can be found at this time. In fact, there are very few people around. A blonde-haired half-fox is chatting with the sole merchant, a brown-haired human who seems to be selling fruit. The two appear to be arguing, with the half-fox saying that she believes that the merchant is charging too much for some apples, while the merchant says that his prices are always fair. The woman seems to be wearing padded clothes, judging by their bulkiness; an off-white tunic with beige pants. The merchant, meanwhile, seems to be wearing expensive, well-made clothes. His clothes multi-coloured, a pale blue undershirt with a purple-and-white jacket on top, and dark red pants. Near the wall opposite of the entrance, near a few crates, sits a bald man with greyish skin and dull green eyes. He's wearing brown trousers and a green jacket that have both seen better days. At his feet lies a padlocked bag, and standing against one of the crates behind him is a rather ornate-looking spear, that seems to have been made with at least as much of a focus on looking pretty as being on being pretty deadly. Although from a distance it's unclear what exactly he's saying, he seems to be engaged in conversation with someone else. Sitting beside him on a crate is a short feminine figure, sitting just high enough to be head-height with the man. She's got tan skin and quite messy white hair, and is wearing a long-sleeved light grey dress that covers most of her legs. Beside her on the crate lies a rectangular bag, with a large book on top of it, with papers sticking out of it. Of the latter duo, it is quite clear that the man is Grimar, and as the group approaches them, their conversation becomes audible. [color=799557]"...and that's why I can't turn into a Chonchon, they're not wizards! They're just servants, and I'm not a wizard's servant."[/color] The girl says, letting out an exasperated groan. [color=799557]"And even if I could turn into one, why would I? They're ugly! I don't want my ears to be as big as my head is!"[/color] She then adds, causing the man to laugh, shaking his head. It is then that he notices the group approaching, a smile appearing on his face. [color=818694]"Well, it looks like we've got company. Quite a mixed group, too. Did the knight in the tavern send you guys?"[/color] The man asks, crossing his arms as he seems to inspect the group. The girl, meanwhile, seems to be rather curious too, but keeps quiet, instead taking her book and beginning to write something.