[h2]Mimura Nanako[/h2] The brunette opened her eyes slowly. For a few moments, she wondered just what was going on, and why her right shoulder ached so badly. Then, slowly, slowly, memories began to filter back into her head. It had been a few days now, since it happened. She didn't even know when she'd fallen asleep today, either. But her arm was still in a sling, shoulder bandaged. Maybe she should have been glad she could fall asleep with that on... or maybe not. The shadow Servants. Meltryllis pelted with those crossbow that somehow struck her even if she dodged. And in that last moment... Before the final blow could be struck... She'd used her own body to prevent it from piercing Meltryllis's heart. She'd passed out from bloodloss shortly after that, and awakened in the hospital. Apparently, her shoulder would heal just fine after the attention they'd given it, but it would be for the best to allow it to rest for a while. Nanako took a deep breath and sat back in her seat. She was still just glad Meltryllis hadn't been killed. Even after everything... she knew, now. She knew that the Alter Ego didn't hate her. But that wasn't all that was on her slowly-waking mind. The shadow Servants. BB had directed them to take on the Shadows previously too. Where were they coming from? Aah, it was so strange, too... what could possibly be summoning things like that? She didn't know too much about Shadow Servants(she didn't know too much about regular Servants, either, to be honest) but she knew they were something like remnants, or fragments of real Heroic Spirits. What was drawing things like that forth? And why were they hurting people...? For a few moments, the newly-awakened Nanako was simply deep in thought... [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] [h2]Yuriko T. Louvyngyr[/h2] The young woman adjusted her tie. Today, she had to undertake something crucial. Something she had struggled with before, but she wouldn't again. Today, she was going to take on a task that had previously seemed monumental. But given the devastating events prior, there was no question of its necessity. The current state of things was unacceptable after all. There was only one left. She had to fix this, and she had to fix it as soon as possible. There was only one resort. She lifted it up, and... Yuriko placed the sunhat on her Servant's head. "Alright, Jack, are you ready?" she asked. She hadn't been spending enough time with her Servant recently, anyway... And given what happened to one of the other two outfits she'd bought for her Servant, leaving her with only this white sundress, she was really in need of more clothes. After all, the outfit she'd been summoned with was unacceptable for going out. Really, it wasn't acceptable for most things in polite company. It was surreal. Yuriko understood, certainly, why she'd been provided this catalyst. An enforcer whose skills laid in killing, an enforcer who had most certainly killed before. Providing someone like that with the catalyst for a legendary serial killer to summon as an Assassin-class Servant had only made sense. She'd accepted it, aware of the potential dangers of summoning someone like that. She was confident in her ability to control even a Servant of such a nature. What she had not been prepared for, however, was to summon a child. An innocent little girl who called her 'Mother'. How did she even deal with being called Mother?! She wasn't a Mother! And not long after being summoned, when the Association had provided her with a chimera for use as a test of her Servant's capabilities... That innocent little girl had been caked entirely in blood without a single scratch on her. But that didn't mean she had to be treated as a killer, did it? And that meant she needed acceptable clothing. But now she was down to only one outfit, after the other had been torn to shreds(how did that even happen?!) [@Raineh Daze]