[center][h1][b][u]Evette[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Evette awoke to her ankle being broken. She screamed in agony. She did not know where she was. It was dark. There was cold stone beneath her, and her wrists were bound tightly together by a rope. There was a slight sting in one of her arms, but it paled in comparison to the agony that engulfed her shin and foot. Tears flowed freely. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t speak. The dark figure - no doubt the one responsible for this - retreated toward the cave’s opening and stepped outside. The helpless girl lay where she was, continuing to sob. Last she had remembered, she had been wandering the woods for days, helplessly lost. She had fallen asleep, and then suddenly she was here. Time passed. The initial pain had faded, but it was still excruciating - especially whenever she tried to move. “I’ll tear that bastard apart…” the hoarse voice of a woman spoke from the shadows, filled with loathing and hatred. “He might hear you…” whispered an older-sounding man. “I don’t care…” the woman muttered darkly, before she began to yell at the cave’s opening. “Do you hear me, you animal!? I’ll rip you apARGH!” Her threat turned into a yowl of pain. The old man sighed. “I told you not to move too much. Your legs haven’t healed.” “And... they never… will…” the woman said between gasps. “But if its… the last thing… I do… I’ll see that… thing… dead…” Slowly, Evette inched herself closer to the cave wall, a stab of pain flowing through her each time. The tears continued to flow, and all she wanted was for someone to make them better. ‘When times are hard, look to the gods,’ her father had once told her. ‘If they do not answer, then the problem is one you can solve on your own.’ So, she closed her eyes, and thought of the gods. Cadien, Evandra, Oraelia, Neiya, Tekret. “Someone help me…” she whispered desperately. The old man spoke up. “Girl, I know you’re scared, but… just stay strong, alright? We’ll figure a way out of this. Don’t worry.” Evette’s eyes had adjusted now, and she could just make them out on the other side of the cave. They had been tied to each other, back to back. The old man had grey hair and worn, dusty robes. The woman couldn’t be much younger than twenty, with dark hair and a hateful expression. Evette looked to their legs, and saw that both pairs had been broken. “How… how long have you been here?” she whispered, fear seeping in. “A few… days…” the woman whispered. “Four?” “Five,” the old man corrected grimly. “He sometimes remembers to bring us food and water. Don’t worry. Our people will know we’re gone by now. They’ll be looking for us.” That gave Evette some semblance of hope. Her own people might be gone, but there were others… they could never replace her family, but perhaps… she might find a new home. Between her grief, the pain, and their predicament, it wasn’t much comfort… but it was desperately needed. “Oh-okay,” she whispered shakily, as she tried to get her breathing back under control. “Who are you?” “I’m Erik,” the old man said. “And this is Cora.” [hr] Time passed, and eventually the shadowy figure returned. Evette could see him more clearly, now. He had pale skin and golden hair, with a long hooded cloak. Cora hurled obscenities at him, until he walked over, knelt next to her, and knocked her out with a single punch.Then, he bent his head down, sank his teeth into the woman’s shoulder, and drank. Evette turned her head, feeling a sudden need to wretch. Is that what he had done to her? The thought of being kept here and slowly drained of blood forever terrified her. She shrunk back even harder against the wall, attempting to melt into the stone, as she hoped the monster wouldn’t notice her… only to wind up letting out a pain gasp as she once more moved her leg by accident. Then the young man finished drinking. He moved closer to the entrance, but instead of going outside, he put his hood up and sat against a nearby wall. The sun began to creep up soon after, but the monster remained as still as a statue, for both the cave and his hood sheltered him from it. [i]Please help me…[/i] she resumed her desperate prayer, imagining every god she could remember. For the briefest moment, a gentle warmth washed over her. One of warmth and life, before it left her, leaving her in the dark. The sun rose further, never straying far into the cave as it welcomed the world. From outside, something flashed in the distance and in the blink of an eye a lance of golden light struck the vampire, and shattered the cave wall from the sheer impact with a resounding boom. There was a scream from the vampire, before it burst into a flame so bright it turned to ash. The lance blinked out soon after. Evette flinched, turning her gaze away from the sudden flash of light. Once it faded, she looked back to see that nothing but dust remained of her captor. “By the Five…” Erik whispered. He cleared his throat. “Who is out there!?” he not-quite-shouted, for his throat was dry and he had not raised his voice beyond a whisper in nearly a week. “We need help!” There was no reply. No sound but the wind and the birds somewhere under the blue. For a time. Coming into view in the near distance of the cave, was a strange figure. As if the sunlight could walk on the earth, it came towards them, growing taller as it neared before at last it stood before the cave, only it’s feet and lower torso in view. Slowly and surely it fell bent down to view them with two burning orbs of light. The same warm presence Evette had felt, returned to her in that moment. The giant of rippling light illuminated all in the cave before a gentle breeze fell over them, healing the physical wounds that ailed them. The pain in Evette’s leg suddenly ceased, as the bones shifted back into place and mended. The old man let out an audible sigh of relief. Next it lifted a hand towards them, and smaller lances of light struck the binds that held them prisoner. The giant then began to stand up again. Evette somehow managed to find her feet. “Wait!” she said, leaping to her feet, only to stumble and fall forward. She began crawling to the opening. “Wait!” Behind her, the old man rose to his feet, and leaned against the wall for balance. Cora, still unconscious, fell over, and then let out a groan as she began to awaken. The giant’s legs paused at the cave entrance. Evette continued crawling, past the pile of ashes, and then pushed herself to her feet. She took a few shakey steps forward. “Get back!” the old man shouted to her, no doubt realizing that whatever stood outside wasn’t human, even if it was their saviour, but Evette did not listen. “Who are you?” she asked the strange glowing creature. The giant figure looked down upon the girl with its unwavering eyes. The weight of its presence could be felt in the air as it pointed up at the sun without moving its gaze. Evette took a nervous step back. “The… the sun?” she asked. The giant tilted its head, before taking a knee before Evette. It lifted out it’s hand to her and between it’s thumb and index finger a large bright orange flower came to be. It then offered her the flower. She stared at the flower, but did not move to take it. “Are you… a god?” she asked. No response. Evette took a step forward, and slowly reached out to take the flower. When her hand graced the petals a voice rumbled into her head, deep and resonating the raw power of the sun. "Solus." He then let her have the flower before standing again and briefly pointing to himself before letting his hand fall. His voice was loud and grating, forcing Evette to wince and cover her ears. She took another step back. Solus looked down at her, his face emotionless by his lack of features. His eyes seemed to waver, betraying his stoic stature however. The giant knelt back down and held out his hand, palm up. "Mortal ears... Unfit to listen." He began, his voice slightly less grating than it had been. "Vampire must be destroyed." Images flashed in her mind of the carnage and destruction that vampires left behind in their wake. From villages burned to families torn apart, used as cattle to be fed on until bled dry. She began to shake slightly, as she recalled the massacre of her own village, by the hands of men far less monstrous than this. He painted a grim picture in the young girl's head before his voice returned like a light in the dark. "Take from hand… Sword." Upon his palm, laying sideways, was a sheathed blade that had not been there before. He brought it closer to her, showing her he meant no harm. Evette blinked. Once more she found herself crying. Suddenly the world seemed so much bigger, and all the suffering she had witnessed seemed like nothing compared to what happened elsewhere. [i]Vampires must be destroyed.[/i] She thought of the beast who captured her, who broke her leg and left her in a cave to suffer while he fed on her. Her, the woman, and the old man. Were they the first? How many others had he done this to? How many more would he have done this to if Solus had not stopped him? And there were more out there like him, who still lived… She wiped the tears from her eyes. The images she had witnessed still haunted her, but when she looked past the horror and the tragedy she saw people in need. People like her. Solus had helped her, but who would help them? And in that moment, she reached out, and gripped the weapon by the hilt. Her world exploded into a color of light, like a vortex swirling all around her in a myriad of shapes and lines. She felt herself lifted up into the vortex, weightless as a bird wrapped in a healing warmth. She came face to face with Solus, or at least his eyes. His voice was ever prevalent amidst the light. "Become Sunlight… Perfected." The giant then reached out his hand and touched her on the forehead and then her world went white. [hr] Evette awoke to see the two strangers from before standing over her. They immediately stepped back when they noticed her eyes had opened. She was lying on something soft, and feathery - more comfortable than any bed she had ever slept on. She turned her head ever so slightly, and realized the ground around her was covered in white feathers. No… not just feathers… [i]wings.[/i] Wings that she could feel, as if they were an extra pair of limbs. She had wings. She jolted upward, and immediately began running her hands along the strange new appendages. “Wh-what happened?” she found herself asking. To her surprise, Erik and Cora knelt before her, and cast their eyes downward. “Champion of the Sun,” Erik said, his once weak voice given newfound resolve by reverence. “I do not know what happened, but anyone can see that you have been chosen by the Goddess Oraelia.” The sword that Solus had offered her rested in the grass nearby. Evette lifted the sword. It felt warm, and heavy. Nothing like the weapon her father or his guards had wielded. It was almost as long as she was tall, and she wondered just how she was supposed to use it. Perhaps she shouldn’t have taken it. “I… I’m too young…” she whispered. “I don’t know what to do.” She looked to the sky, and was surprised to see a strange ring of golden light floating above her head. What else had been done to her? The old man looked up at her, and seemed surprised, as if only now just remembering that she was still just a mere child. But it was Cora who spoke next. “You will not be young forever,” she said simply. “You will grow, and you will learn. I don’t know why you were given these gifts, but the gods must have given them to you for a reason. One day, you will find that reason out.” She rose to her feet. “In the meantime, we will keep you safe.” [hr] [hider=Post Summary] A few days after escaping the village, Evette went to sleep in the forest, only to be discovered by a vampire. The vampire captured her, and took her to a cave where he tied her up alongside two other strangers. She wakes up to her ankle being broken, so she can’t run away. The vampire leaves, and Evette listens to the two strangers talk. The resigned old man is named Erik while the angry young woman is named Cora. Anyway, eventually the vampire comes back. He then proceeds to feed off of Cora. A bit rude. Then the sun comes up so he winds up staying in the cave. As he is waiting for day to come back, Solus shows up and murders the vampire. Evette tries to talk to him, but his voice isn’t meant for mortal ears, so instead he shows her images of even more vampires going on killing sprees. Which is exactly what a recently-traumatized child needs to see. Anyway, he then offers her the Sword of +5 Gibbou-Slaying. As soon as she touches it, everything goes white. She then wakes up to find that Solus is gone, and in addition to the sword, she has also been granted wings and a halo. Erik and Cora bow to her, thinking she is Oraelia’s champion, only to realize that she has no idea what to do because she’s still just a kid. So they decide to take her in. [/hider] [Hider=MP Summary] Oraelia: 2MP/5DP Nightsbane. (-3DP (+2 Free titles) = Sunfury V. This sword is a dangerous weapon, capable of cutting through most objects, people, and other items (besides artifacts) with ease. It is most effective on creatures that are more susceptible to sunlight (Trolls, vampires), but can sadly be used just as well as any other sword that inflicts pain. The sheath that houses this sword cannot be damaged by it. -1MP to bless Evette with angelic like wings. These wings will grow as she does to accommodate her size. They are white in color with streaks of gold and allow for flight. -1MP (Reduced to 0 with Sunlight Port) to bless Evette with a halo of golden light and to turn her eyes golden with speckles of orange. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]Evette[/u] [b]Beginning Prestige:[/b] 5 +5 for 10k characters [b]Ending Prestige:[/b] 10 [/hider]