"Captain, we just got the next set of mission requests!" A brench-seijin technician called out from their monitor. "Took long enough." Tempest grunted from his oversized chair built to accommodate his extra bulky form. Unlike others of his race, for some reason he preferred to stay in his most monstrous most of the time and so quite a bit of the Scather had been modified to accommodate for that. His large fingers tapped on his display as he scrolled through the various requests, usually just a quick work at the request would tell him if it was worth the hassle accepting or not, anything where the pay wasn't worth it or just too little was quickly scrolled past. Anything he didn't personally approve of for the Planet Breakers to officially accept he would let anyone in the organization take on their own dime, but as few were worth the effort if one didn't have access to the Yardrat instant transportation service they tended to not be taken up by many. Tempest stopped on a particular request as soon as he saw the sizable sum being put down as an advanced payment. He quickly looked over the details of the request, according to the information, entire villages had been raided by an unknown force. The villages themselves were mostly left intact but the entire population had vanished, there were signs of the populace struggling against the attackers but no bodies, which meant they had been captured. Usually such behavior meant a slaving ring was passing through and decided to drop by on a nearby planet, but as there were no reports of ships in that sector for the past several months at least, it wouldn't be an intergalactic ring most likely if it was indeed slavers. Whatever was behind the attacks had hit three villages by the time of the request and it appeared they were getting braver with each success. The native population had sent out a rescue squad but they had lost contact with them, meaning they had been captured as well most likely. At the moment they seemed to think their best bet was to improve defenses as much as possible and to call for backup. Everything about the mission seemed like it would be an exciting one, the captain wished he could go himself but as one of the few races that could withstand the vacuum of space, he needed to stay for when the illegal rancher ship came to make sure it couldn't escape. Captain Tempest quickly accepted the mission and went on to look at the other ones. As soon as a mission was accepted by him for the Planet Breakers, a signal would be broadcast out to all members so they would be informed of the mission's acceptance. Depending on the individual, they could look up the mission themselves with their own equipment or they could come back to the ship to view it themselves. In any case to actually accept a mission members need to return to the Scather so they could officially sign up for a mission, that way when they activated the Ki Signal the Yardrats could instantly appear and transport the group to their assignment. A very efficient system to be sure. Some enough, more and more missions started to be added to the ship's computer as Tempest went through each one. Newer members liked to stay as close to the ship as possible so they could quickly grab any lucrative ventures that looked somewhat easy, at least until they earned a little clout. Other members had more dangerous tastes and tried to pick the hardest ones they could find, though they were few in number except for a few very experienced fighters who actually knew what they were doing. There were few times that the ship every had their full membership as most worked quite often and could be gone for months on end depending on the job. Soon everyone on Planet Fealt would know about the mission updates.