[h1][center][color=00746b][b]Tanegashima Wakako[/b][/color][/center][/h1] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy, Auditorium. April 7th[/color][hr][/right] Wakako had not expected to be approached in such a manner as she sat there. She got all rigid as she internally panicked for a moment. She shouldn’t have been so nervous, but she was still awfully worried she was going to make a fool of herself in her first real interaction with another student at this school. Of course, it probably wasn’t helping matters that she was sitting there acting all jittery because someone had spoken to her. [color=00746b][i]Brave face, brave face…[/i][/color] She told herself. She faced this Kenzo Osamu with the best smile she could manage. [color=00746b]“Not at all, buddy! Sit right next to me!”[/color] Her response was a far cry from the obscene formality she had been greeted with. But it wasn’t like Wakako to speak so formally, not that she minded someone else speaking like that. This Osamu definitely seemed like a very straight laced chap, all prim and proper, like a model student. He was perhaps the very model of at least half of what she expected from this school. As for the other half, she couldn’t quite say yet, but at least he [i]seemed[/i] nice and polite. [color=00746b] “So, yeah, I’m, uh…”[/color] As much as she tried to put on a brave face, she was still more than a little nervous. [color=00746b]”I’m Tanegashima Wakako! I’m a Hokkaido native from Tomakomai, and, uh…”[/color] Still floundering. Not a good sign. He was going to think she was awkward. Which she was, but she didn’t want people to [i]think[/i] it. [color=00746b]”…well where are you from, Kenzo-san?”[/color] She figured keeping him busy answering personal questions was a great way to make it seem like she was just fine conversing, while all she had to actually do was nod along. [hr] [@Etranger]