Princess Azora Howl expected to be obeyed. However, it was her constant source of frustration with...well, really everyone in the world that they did not simply anticipate her needs and act to serve her (except Daddy of course, she was there to anticipate his needs, that's how hierarchy was [i]supposed[/i] to work). As such, the stirring defense that her new kitty was providing was...well, not actually expected. Oh sure, that's what a good kitty [i]ought[/i] to be doing, but she hadn't really expected the girl to do it. Even the geas wouldn't require this level of skill and commitment, unless the princess had been holding out extensively and this was the bare minimum that she conceived of as being good. But...but there was no way that was possible, she had never shown off enough power for that to be true. No, no the only possibility was that she was just very happy with the arrangement and had truly seen Azora's genius! Azora Howl permitted herself a brief smile before she continued her magical barrage. Her primary plan, not including her new cat's wonderful assistance, had been elegant in its simplicity. A glass dragon, however many heads it had, was still glass and hence vulnerable to all the things that glass detested: high heat, shattering, resonant frequencies. Really, it was simple magic. Eupheria was terribly uncreative with the Caduceus, just animating regular things. Of course Azora couldn't directly take her on while she held an artifact of such power, she wouldn't be doing this whole maze if she could, but Eupheria's creations were entirely pedestrian. She had simply planned to fly above its current reach and when it tried to stop her, she would rain down fire and that would be that. The manticores could be held with simple shadow bindings, and really the only challenge had been one of attention and scale. But with her kitty giving her time to work her wonders, that wasn't a problem either. She anticipated this being a wonderful relationship. Really, everything was going swimmingly and it was not until she saw that dancing girl (who she had certainly disabled with enchantment) cavorting towards the trees and blowing [i]her cat[/i] a kiss that anything even seemed slightly out of place. Oh stars, she was not going to let this stand, especially since they were talking to each other and ignoring her!