[Center][h2][color=FF4500]Rabi | Outside The Scather => Inside The Scather |[/color][/h2][/Center] [indent]An alert notifying her of a new mission startled her awake, the snot bubble slightly inflating from her nose popping as she still wasn't used to hearing that damn thing go off in her ears yet. Her eyes squinted as they were harshly reminded of the bright landscape, the Saiyan seeming disappointed that she was back in reality instead of her dream. A low growl of annoyance escaped her, though it wasn't particularly at anyone or anything: She was just not the friendliest when woken up before she deemed herself ready. The scowling woman was already making her way inside the Scather to see what this new mission was all about; Hopefully something thrilling. That being said, thrilling tended to go hand-in-hand with 'defending the weak' with these missions at times. So the fun ended up getting sucked out of them because some weaklings couldn't take care of themselves. After re-entering the ship, Rabi was quick to review the mission info to see if she would be willing to bother: Her worst fears came to light as, of course, someone was in trouble and couldn't defend themselves. The weird thing about a mission like this was judging the weakling wasn't easy to do before taking the mission: They could actually be tough but the opponent could be tougher. But considering the details of the mission, she assumed slightly more powerful weaklings were trying to round up [i]weaker[/i] weaklings. She might be able to blow off some steam with a mission like that, though she wondered of the challenge it'd provide. Part of it was her desire for combat, and the other was being a bit gung-ho since she had nothing to truly lose. Even if it wasn't the hardest mission that could be offered, it was better than taking nothing and sitting around, right? Things would surely be a breeze on this planet with Tempest here, anyhow. [color=FF4500][i]I suppose a fight's a fight.[/i][/color] She reasoned with herself, curious what the two green Planet Breakers planned on doing with this information. While she was in it for the the fight, if they ended up being fodder, it wouldn't hurt to have a few extra hands cleaning out trash. This job looked like it might take a bit more socializing with locals than she'd like, too. So maybe one of them could talk with them easier than she could. Though her brash and threatening way of holding conversations with the public could sometimes work in her favor, it usually didn't go terribly well with wimps. They'd cry, or try to hand over their belongings thinking she'd eat them. It was fun, to an extent: But she tried to keep focused on the job, and the reward that came with it. Ah, to hell with it. If worse came to worse, she'd just make one of the attackers talk to find out more. She could do this with her wrists tied using her tail; Even if the green giant and midget didn't get involved. She knew she couldn't be picky with company, but... She was going to be anyways. Either way, she'd see things to completion one way or another. She needed something to do instead of bright scenery endurance training, and a mission could provide her with a good stretch, at least. Rabi hastily prepared herself to sign up for the mission; There wasn't a real idea of how long this would take, so she'd pack at least a little so she wouldn't have to scavenge on the planet. Just some necessities like food; She held no real personal belongings, though collecting some neat junk on-site while working was always a possibility. A trophy or two for her trials never hurt, right? She thought so.[/indent]