[color=00aeef][center][b]SIGMUND[/b] [b]Centennial, Centennial Hills Hospital Rooftop[/b][/center][/color] [hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7opQ4Xi7uDk&list=PL6CB18A0BFA8474FD&index=13 ]Footsteps echoed from behind the girl.[/url] [color=00aeef]“They are strong tools,”[/color] The Servant called out. [color=00aeef]“But they are also only as good as whatever uses that little head of yours can devise for them.”[/color] Berserker did not particularly dress the way an ancient hero would, perhaps due to his own preferences, but his scarred body must have seen many battles, and the sword at his side only reaffirmed such. But nothing quite compared to the presence he carried with him, that enveloped him like a well-worn cloak and was by itself proof of fact that he was inhuman. He looked at the girl who had summoned him, and his bright eyes might as well have been those of a beast eyeing prey. This was no average delinquent. No, this man was clearly a [i]super[/i] delinquent. Stepping a bit closer, he ran a hand through his hair, glanced down at the city below and grinned — almost hungrily. His smile showed too many teeth. [color=00aeef]“And of course, if you use them for the [i]wrong[/i] thing, why, they might just get you slaughtered instead.”[/color] The casual tone he’d used made it sound less like a threat, more like he was just stating an accepted fact. Of course, he left out who’d do the slaughtering if she messed up in that department, but honestly, there was no point in stating the obvious. He hoped the little girl would see that much. [color=00aeef]“Speaking of slaughtering,”[/color] He bounced to a different topic concerningly quickly. [color=00aeef]“We should get right on with that. The Grail ain’t gonna fill itself and all that junk.”[/color] Stepping to the edge of the rooftop, he kept his winning smile on his face, not even sparing a glance toward his Master. [color=00aeef]“At least I’ll try to cross swords with most I can — see who’s a fun one and who isn’t. Intel gathering, you see? Aren’t I just great, taking the initiative on the job like this?”[/color] Well, the way he’d worded it, it sounded less like work, more like he just wished to indulge. Then again, so what if he did? Results would be the same. Having fun while getting them just meant his mood wouldn’t worsen. [color=00aeef]“I’ll be moving, you can follow in the hopes of some fun or you can stay here — or do whatever you want really. Ah, but—”[/color] He snapped his fingers, then directed his gaze and his smile back toward his Master. [color=00aeef]“Come to think of it, you dying would throw a wrench in the plans, so do make sure to avoid that, alright? Even if it means using one of those [i]annoying things[/i]. “If you die without my permission, I’ll kill you.”[/color] How did that one work, again? Eh, not his problem. Perhaps [i]that guy[/i] would’ve acted more compassionate. ...But Berserker was not that man anymore. He couldn’t be that man anymore. The pride and chivalry of a knight were lost on him. After all, he had maintained his rationality, but the wolf had simply eaten away at different things, even if what he wanted had stayed largely the same. And this time, that situation would only end with his death. Still, as he jumped off the roof and started making his way downtown, simply wandering in the hopes of finding a good fight, his smile did not diminish one bit. [color=00aeef]“There’s kind of a simple joy in just being like this, you know? In just [i]throwing away everything unnecessary[/i]. You should give it a try, Master, you might come to enjoy it.”[/color] He just hoped he didn’t run into annoying insects while looking for interesting things. Those always spoiled the fun. [@GreenGoat]