[center][h2]Kishinami Hakuno[/h2][/center] She couldn't figure out what part of her plan was flawed. Situated between two buildings, partially obscured by the shadows, a lone figure leaned against the wall, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently on the ground. She had been there for about twenty minutes, clearly having expecting [i]something[/i] to have occurred by now. the figure with flowing, brown hair and the most forgettable blouse ever designed had made sure to look like an appealing target for shady, black market salesmen! The white baseball was sitting backwards! That was, like, a true symbol of rebelliousness and... and troublemakery! So why weren't those con artists eager to sell her crap?! Could it be that they knew Hakuno was actually a member of the CCF? A defender of justice and peace? Perhaps she simply chose the wrong alley to loiter in? Did con artists take lunch breaks? Hakuno exhaled deeply, shoulders slumping. She was desperate to find any kind of plausible, but it probably boiled down to one simple reason: She just couldn't manage to stand out, even when she was the only person around to notice. "Haaahhh... And I thought this'd be super easy..." Hakuno grumbled to thin air, "who would've thought Mystic Codes were this hard to track down?" Of course, the unassuming young mage was hardly going to tackle a black market by herself, especially when she was so lacking in firepower - and perhaps some common sense. Her complaints had been directed to her Saber-class Servant, who had been asked to remain hidden until now. It seemed quite unnecessary for Benienma to continue hiding at this point. [@VitaVitaAR]