The road to Avveel is like all other roads. It gets shorter only by walking. There is no magic to it. Step by step you leave the Rocky Gate behind and head towards Avveel. The road bends ever so slightly to the right, turning more and more towards the South-East direction of the village. You can see that the way is quite flat. There aren’t many remarkable dents or bumps worth mentioning in the topography of the field. Thus making it very easy to walk, regardless of being a gentle downhill. Grass begins to take over for the rocks and gravel on both sides of the road. First in tufts of various sizes here and there, but soon covering the whole landscape. There are some farming fields in the distance. As the harvest season is about to begin soon. They are turning or are already different shades of yellow. You spot some fields of greener colours too, but because of the distance you can’t quite yet discern what they are yet. [@Sedjwick][hider=ALFARU] As you are observing the group and are looking around, you notice a young boy in a shouting distance among the rocks and boulders closer to the foot of the mountain where grass doesn’t grow. He is wearing a white tunic and sand colored ¾ long trousers. He looks somewhat skinny from where you are and has yellow-blonde hair. You can’t quite discern what he is doing, but he is walking around, crouching and looking under smaller rocks. There aren’t any adults besides the group you are travelling with around.[/hider]