As soon as she heard Vail's warning, Victoria turned on her heel immediately. She spun around and grasped at her crossbow. She aimed it at the now stumbling Mikael, bleeding from his new bullet wounds. As if by instinct, she unloaded a silver bolt after silver bolt, one shot clean through his neck, creating a gaping hole. Blood splashed outward and Mikael growled. His eyes reddened as Victoria realised she had only made him angrier. She turned to run. Spencer laid into her brother, shredding him and slowing him, preventing him from running to his sister to get her out of the vicinity. He cursed when he saw Mikael still tried to pursue her, even with his wounds. If she had her horse, she would be fast enough to get away but she was on foot. Mikael healed ten times more quickly than usual. Gerald waited at the Crest Manor gate. He sat atop his black stallion. With teeth gritted, he growled. "Come on...where are you..." It had been way too long. He kicked the horse and it strode into a gallop. "Heyah!" He cried out to coax the horse to go faster. Victoria ran as fast as she could. If Mikael could touch silver, there was no point wearing it. It was only slowing her down. She tore her gauntlets off and then pushed the breastplate over her head, she dropped it behind her to slow Mikael down. Which caused him to dodge it. Victoria heard the oncoming thunderous sound of hooves. Her heart quickened with hope when she saw Gerald appear. With shotgun in hand, he aimed it at Mikael and fired. Victoria ducked and rolled. Mikael dodged the shotgun's first round but the second round impacted his abdomen. Fatefully, Victoria was now on the ground and he managed to close the gap between them. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and hauled her up off the floor. "ARGH!" She screamed out as his claws dug into her flesh and made her bleed. She kicked and squirmed but he was stronger than her by miles. Lady Crest had been caught. Gerald growled and dived off his horse and onto Mikael's back. "NO!!" He yelled as he protected his God daughter. Mikael threw Victoria across the street and her back smacked against a steel lamp post. She screamed out as bones cracked in her ribs. She held her torso in agony. She could not move but at least Gerald kept Mikael distracted long enough for Vail to get to her. But she was internally bleeding from her injuries. Blood seeped from her mouth and stained her pearly white teeth.