The original Lucas Troy was now back in civilian attire thanks to his duplicate showing up with a backpack full of clothes. Plex's friendly neighborhood duplicate was followed though, as was the original Plex. If not for the duplicates feeling something when Lucas was taken prisoner none of them would've known. Try as they may, in about a week they'll stop looking and do what Lucas would've probably had them do anyway... become informants for all of the heroes popping up in the city as of late. There's [i]at least[/i] three dozen or so out there in the city. --- Mal was running out of time. And patience. It was hard knowing that several heroes were probably on the scene already, sanctioned or otherwise. "Probably forming a team or something.." he thought, "..and I'm stuck doing dishes at O'Mally's Bar & Grill." He looked up at the clock every twenty minutes or so, presently it read 7:20 pm and the sun was starting to go down. He didn't get off until sometime after eight. [b]46 minutes later...[/b] "FINALLY!" he thought exiting the restaurant with his backpack containing some things and his Fastlane suit. Several unsanctioned superhumans were spotted in the area. It was strange that the powers that be were more worried about keeping others out than taking care of the ones trapped inside. Surely something had to be up. After a couple minutes Fastlane was on the other side of Engine City looking at the quarantined zone. He simply used his suit's tech to create hard light construct roads that went over the barricades and fences. If not for his speed the officers guarding the area would've been trying harder to take him off his feet. But nothing they did in a matter of seconds could prevent him from going inside the zone to find his friends and possible future allies. ~KL~