[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/KFcDjC9/ezgif-com-crop-1.gif[/img] [h2][color=0054a6]Richard Barker[/color][/h2][/center] Saying that this case was getting stranger by the minute was an understatement. As Richard walked closer towards the neglected house, rain pouring down and running off his fedora, he got a closer look at two he could see around the house - the big fella with an umbrella and the window-paint guy who'd yelled at them. There were something about the two of them, though it was the big brute of a man he recognized. The name didn't come to him at first, though it was at the tip of his tounge. Too bad the rain drowned out Richard's thoughts, not to mention the loud-mouth who talked to the unknown duo. Richard walked up to the house just in time to stand beside the big guy, in front of the house in clear sight of the first man inside - clearly someone called "Val" was already inside tearing the place apart. Richard could see the marks in the doorframe, clear signs that someone had entered by force. Crowbars? Probably. [color=0054a6]"Yeah…strange is the adjective I was lookin' for, mister…?"[/color] Richard replied to the nameless man in the doorway, dressed in a trenchcoat too big for him to be taken seriously and a tie that'd make your mother-in-law frown. Without warning, he was told not to come any closer because of some 'developing situation', ordered to show their identification and in turn have a pocketed gun pointed at them. Well if that wasn't just peachy? [color=0054a6]"My, my, such a lot of guns in this town and so few brains…"[/color] The guy in the trenchcoat had acted like he was a cop or something, using said jargon and calling the Italian-looking guy "partner". Richard couldn't figure out if he was lying his ass off or not, though one act stuck out to him - the moment of hesitation: the brief span of time when he 'became' a cop, as if he needed to get into a role. Either this guy was lying, or he was just a lousy cop, both of which could be true, though Richard was paying more attention to the group as a whole. And yes, the gun. [color=0054a6]"I can answer that for ya, big bal, that's 1111 South Curlew Drive."[/color] Richard calmly answered the man named Ambrose, slowly reaching into his inside pocket and pulling out a wallet for the two 'authorities' to see. He wasn't moving quickly or violently, making sure they didn't get a chance to shoot him - unless his mouth got him shot again. [color=0054a6]"And I suppose none of you two are Mr. Everfield or Mr. Stockhold then?"[/color] Richard asked, pulling out his private detective-license from said wallet and handing it to whomever of the two guys from the house, refusing to hold his hands up and instead taking this as calmly as he could. If he was scared shitless or not was difficult to say, but having lived, worked and bled in New York made you a tough son-of-a-bitch. [color=0054a6]"Unless you two can't read, that says I'm Richard Barker of New York City. Private detective, licensed by the NYPD. And this…"[/color] Richard introduced himself, while putting his hands back in his raincoat fingering the Colt police revolver holstered underneath. Before he could continue, the name finally popped from his mouth as he turned to look at Ambrose. [color=0054a6]"Tull…Amrose Tull, ain't it? You boxed with my Sergeant back in '15, Jackson was his name. Gave him one helluva beating, good show. But that raises some dingy questions, and I might be ringin' the wrong tooter here…"[/color] Richard nearly answered for Ambrose, his hands slowly moving in and out of his raincoat as he took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, lighting the cigarette and smoking it like he was born with it. The lighter, for a brief moment only, was seen to have the NYPD badge etched into it. Richard let the cigarette dangle loosely from his lips, eyes moving back and forth the group, his eyes only hinting at the last man across the street. [color=0054a6]"Who are you two, where are your badge, what are you two and all of us doing here, and who's the long-nose over there?"[/color] Richard took another puff of his cigarette, clearly finding some amusement in the situation, though no humour. [color=0054a6]"'cause you two better not be a pair of bunnies and off us two. I've got a pal in the Boston PD who knows I'm here. Sock me, and you'll be in a world of trouble. Understood?"[/color]