[h1]White Harbor[/h1][hr][hr] "W-wha. . ." The young man looked between Cade and Vectis with glazed eyes, barely able to focus on their words before Ria piped up. Kaito looked at the small girl with a slow turn of the head, a hand holding up his head as he stumbled his way into a seating position. "R. . . Ria? I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of it right now. Been. . . holding up the barrier. . . four hours. . . so . . . tired." With a groan, the poor mage fell backward, sprawling out along the dock with his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. He was still alive but obviously pushed well past his limits in keeping the rogue waves conjured by the massive sea creature from wrecking the town. Luckily, that meant that there was nothing stopping the group from nabbing the small boat for themselves. [@j8cob] [@pkken] [@Sanguine Rose] [h1]The North(east)ern Grove[/h1][hr][hr] [h3]Claire[/h3] The reporter listened to all of the group's responses with keen interest, writing down notes on her lacrima slate. She offered a small apologetic nod to Karna for her assumption that she wasn't a native, feeling more than a little embarrassed for the misstep. At Lee's insistence on taking a child with them, however, she couldn't help but furrow her brow. "Isn't this a quest revolving around a missing child? I'm not on expert on these things, but that seems a hair irresponsible of you to do as her caretaker." Tapping her stylus against her tablet, she wrote down a few more notes with a frown before tucking it away to approach the symbol that Arc had pointed out. With a slight incantation, she conjured a magical seal in her palm to run over the symbol. Her eyes lit up for a moment, rapidly shifting images fluttering across her iris before she let them fall shut with a shudder. Taking a step away, she brought a finger to her chin, tapping at it in deep thought as she considered the marking. "In any case, this symbol you pointed out is. . . old. Really, really old. My Archive's database can barely pull up anything about them. If i can hazard a. . . rough translation, I'd say that they all seem to imply no small amount of danger to anyone passing this threshold." She slipped a none to conspicuous glance towards Lee as she said this, eyebrow raised but choosing to continue talking to the group as a whole rather than making further comment. "I can't really read anything else besides that, but if we're going to split up at all, I'm probably going to stuck with you, Arc. Call it a hunch." [@Hero][@Grey][@KiwiTime][@Inkarnate]