[hider=Diego Alejandro Saavedra] [b]Full Name[/b]: Diego Alejandro Saavedra [b]Age[/b]: 37 [b]Brief Description & Background[/b]: Diego Alejandro Saavedra, standing 5'7" with brown eyes, long slicked back hair, a heavyset body, is an unstable man born into a drug smuggling family, the Saavedra Cartel, that has ties in San Sofia. Throughout his childhood, Diego was seen to be heavily involved in his family life, living among some of the richest within the country. However, Diego has no alleged ties with his family, at least none that he will admit to, after joining the Melizea Army in 2001 for a period of ten years as a basic infantryman before advancing to the role of an officer in 2011. While it was odd to see someone enter the military as a basic rifleman with the background that Diego has, it did not stop him from doing so, though the advancement into his roll as an officer seemed inevitable if his family continued to back him. Upon becoming an officer, Diego was thrust into the political scene where he would serve under the president at the time until 2016 where he would leave the military to become a full-time politician within Melizea. As a politician, Diego backs himself with far more money than he would seem to have, however, no official inquiry has been given as to where these sums of money have come from. [b]Military or Civilian Background[/b]: Military [/hider]