Cora's eyes lit up when she watched Aurel unwrap his gift, and her head bobbed slightly as she watched the motion of his hands. She was gripping the arms of her chair tightly as well, as if she were about to see her own birthday present for the first time. It was a relief and exciting to see his expression when he looked at the fabric and then realization swept over her. The mermaid's heart felt like it was about to explode as she looked over to Akane and saw fire dancing in her friend's eyes. It was true what she'd said about gifts, they make the giver just as happy as the recipient. Cora was overjoyed to be a part of it, so much so that she felt tear welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, and no one seemed to notice. Illyana, similarly but with more restraint, watched Aurel open his gift and smiled all the way. It really was lovely, the Yukata, and the silk was so soft and warm...she knew he would loved it. Akane had picked the perfect color for his complexion. When they were at the shop, the girls had even found one that would look nice on Illyana herself, but she had forced them to promise not to purchase it for her. Though it was lovely and just a beautiful shade of green, she felt she would be a little silly wearing it. She wasn't as elegant or graceful as Cora, Akane, or Aurel, or even Lucien for that matter. Japanese silk just wasn't in her future, and she didn't need a tarot reading to tell her that. After the thank-yous were passed around, everyone took their places at the table just in time for Lucien to serve up breakfast. Illyana fixed a cup of tea with honey for herself and Cora, who liked hers with honey and milk. She delivered the tea and went about eating with everyone. She had been excited to see Ivory's gift as well, although the dhampir had managed to keep it a secret from almost everyone, including the clairvoyant. She knew that the knife thrower would not begrudge them if they started eating, she wasn't really one for decorum. In rare form, Illyana served herself a small plate of breakfast, finished a beignet and snagged another from the pile before she decided that would be enough. They didn't get to have treats like this as often as when they were younger, so she wanted to take advantage of the time.