[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=E5D0FF][center]Elara [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c2d82b1c17b3503e1da3818e84984ec0/bec809b648734945-0f/s500x750/c21b5c418d71346f556d27fd5568fa166dff3e33.gifv[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][color=E5D0FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mojo... world? [color=E5D0FF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [/center] Elara was beginning to grow impatient with this situation. The impatience only grew when Longshot told them that they'd have to wait for [i]her majesty[/i], Spiral, to show up before they could do anything. She just wanted to go home. Or to what was home, but would be completely different when they returned. Even if they cleaned up this mess, safely made it back to Earth, and regained their older forms, there was still a major problem to deal with. Rae Gardner was a part of the Mastermind Sisters. Who even knew where they were at the moment? They were probably back at Serval, wrecking everything the industry once stood for. The entire state could be in chaos at this very moment. People could be getting hurt, innocent people, and here the group was. Stuck in a completely different [i]dimension.[/i] Elara was beginning to feel the time lag catch up to her. How long had it been since she last had a meal? Since she'd last gotten a wink of sleep. Were the others feeling the same way too, or were they just used to such long and endless days like this. She glanced around at the group as they argued, and tightened her grip on her injured shoulder. The bleeding was slowing, thankfully. She almost asked Sapphire to freeze it over, but their moment of rest was interrupted when the suits walked in. [i]Why didn't I bring the blaster?[/i] She thought, immediately taking cover behind a nearby dumpster. The others jumped into action quickly, but Elara needed more time to think. She needed a break. She'd had plenty of long nights back in San Diego, but this was an otherworldly experience. She just wanted to patch up this cut, eat a whole dining table of food, and knock out for at least twelve hours. She closed her eyes and gave herself a moment to think. How could they get away from some many of Mojo's goons, without being followed? It was then that she heard Watt's voice, and she turned her head to see him taking a rather large dosage that she'd seen before. She wasn't sure what he was going to do, but if he had a way out that wouldn't require using more energy, she was all for it. So, she rushed herself over to him and grabbed onto his arm. It was weird to think of at the moment, as she felt his arm and soon her entire body begin to shake, but she'd never expected to be within five feet of someone who she assumed hated her for just existing. Yet here she was, gripping his wiry arm and praying that he'd taken enough of [i]whatever[/i] it was that gave him powers. It happened fast. Fast enough to send Elara's mind through a loop as it tried to grasp what had just happened to her. One moment she was on solid pavement, and the next she was [i]falling[/i] through it. Subconsciously, her hand held onto Watt's arm tighter. She stood in what she assumed was the sewers for a few moments in complete shock. Her eyes were wide, and she panted as if she'd just ran a marathon. It took her a bit before she regained the ability to move, and she looked over to Watt's to see that she was still holding his arm like a lifeline. Her face suddenly burned with embarrassment, and she pulled away from him and coddled her hand like a disobedient toddler. [color=E5D0FF]"S-sorry... I... What just happened?"[/color] She swallowed, and turned away from him so that he wouldn't see the look of horror on her face. Instead, she busied herself with peering into the darkness around them. Arthur's question reminded her that they were still in danger. She turned to Longshot, her jaw tense as she stared. [color=E5D0FF]"Get us the hell out of here, [i]now.[/i]"[/color] She wasn't sure how much longer she could stand all of this.