There was no holding their breath. Come curses or floods, the pack surged forward without hesitation. The sound of their armour clicking and scraping as they moved was quickly drowned out by the formation behind them marching their feet at double-time behind them to rush their assault through. They had been instructed on what to expect, though the apparent similarity between their origin and destination planes was unnerving. The true differences did not show themselves on those green fields. Everyone who knew the spell used magic to detect life around them. Sabine stretched her view out the furthest in search for distant hazy traces of life force. To be sure, she detected traces of undeath in the area as well. As soon as it was apparent that their immediate surroundings were clear, Fendros clutched the control rod at his hip to send Dwemer spiders out to the peripheries of the portal, even at the cliffs, to spring any ambushes that might be waiting for them out of sight. "Anything, Sabine?" Fendros asked. "Nothing of size." She noted loud enough for them to hear. "No formations I can find. Not nearby. Just individuals."