[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/VPZsK4i.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy, Auditorium. April 7th[/color][hr][/right] [indent] They weren’t making fun of him. That in itself was really lucky! Shun grinned as both girls introduced themselves. This was great! His big high school debut, and he was actually talking to people that weren’t weirded out by him! His years in middle school back in Nago City were never horrible, but they were uneventful. Working on cars with his father never left much for after school activities, and his grades were never anything special. Middle of the pack, in the background, always seen as the mechanic boy. [i]Well, until their field trip to Tokyo for their middle school field trip. [/i] [color=FFC0CB]"I'm Nadeshiko."[/color] [color=crimson]“Higamura Kana. It's nice to meet you.”[/color] [color=BEDE79]“It’s nice to meet you, Nadeshiko, and you Kana! I’m Shun! Tanaka Shun!”[/color] He beamed widely at both girls, amazed that he’d actually carried on real conversations with three people in under an hour. This was a new record! Yes, this year was going to be great! [/indent]