Princess of Zahard: [hider=Princess of Zahard] The Princesses (공주, 公主, gongjoo) of Zahard (자하드, "Jahad") are a group of elite females chosen to serve Zahard, as the obligation for receiving his power. Considered as the "ultimate species" in the Tower, a Princess is chosen every several hundred years.[1] "They are an existence which, at times, serves as a sword to defend the authority of the King and at other times, is worshipped by the citizens of the Tower".[2][3] Being recognised as a Princess is an honourable and almost impossible achievement and there are many candidates vying for the position. About As everyone in the Tower is considered a son or daughter of Zahard, a Princess is likely a chosen daughter of Zahard and she calls the King "Father".[4] They are selected from the 10 Great Families or elsewhere, making them "adopted children" and thus part of the Zahard Family. After selection, the Princesses are imbued with Zahard's power through a special procedure[3][2] which involves injecting Zahard's "blood".[5] However, there is not a single Princess that actually has Zahard's blood.[2][3] Zahard has the possibility to "control" them.[6] The only exception is Anak Zahard, who is an indirect descendant of Zahard. Because of this, she is not officially recognised by Zahard nor the Zahard Family since she was born from the real Anak Zahard and a palace cook. As a result, she is thus considered "the shame of Zahard" and several groups on the Tower such as RED and the Lo Po Bia Family seeks her execution.[7][8] Princesses The standards of being nominated as a Princess of Zahard include power, resourcefulness and appearance. But the most important factor evaluated is if the girl is capable of properly receiving his power.[3] The most outstanding children are then granted Zahard's power through a special method,[2] further enhancing their combat and other skills.[3] Hence, Princesses of Zahard are physically stronger than most members of the 10 Families; furthermore, Regular Princesses are more "durable" than an average Ranker.[9] Baam noted that it was hard for him to keep up the pace with Androssi without using Shinsoo.[10] Princesses chosen among the 10 Families can be more powerful than Rankers while still being Regulars.[11] They also tend to be entitled.[12] A Princess who has climbed the Tower and become a Ranker, might be chosen to become a wielder of the 13 Month Series and be called a "chosen Princess". Only a "chosen Princess" is eligible to receive a 13 Month Series, as she has proven her ability by climbing the Tower.[1] 13 months series The 13 Month Series is a symbolic series consisting of twelve Ignition Weapons and 1 Arms Inventory. It is bestowed by Zahard to a chosen Princess. The chances of receiving a 13 Month Series are very slim and Ha Yuri Zahard was the only one out of all the chosen Princesses in the last 500 years bestowed with Black March, one of the Month Series.[13] Only a Princess who climbed the Tower may receive a 13 Month Series,[1] provided she accepts it. Associated Symbol Princesses are permitted to wear an object which displays Zahard's three-eyed symbol, signifying their status as a Zahard's Princess. For example Yuri Zahard's tie and Androssi Zahard's hair pin both possess the three-eyed symbol.[4] Rules governing the Princesses The Princesses are governed by a set of rules. So far: They must not have a relationship with a man. They must not marry. They may not have a child. They must not help an enemy of the Empire.[15] They may not enter the Floor of Death.[16] The first three rules are to prevent Zahard's power from being spread. [2] Breaking any of these rules may result in execution. Furthermore, princesses who've been selected to receive a 13 Month Series are bound by an additional set of rules upon accepting it. [/hider] The Ten Great Families: [hider=Ten Great Families] The 10 Great Families (위대한 가문, 偉大한 家門 widaehan gahmoon, "Great Family") are the families formed by the 10 of the Great Warriors who first came into the Tower with Zahard. They are part of the Ruling Class in the Tower and their members are often extremely powerful, blessed with the power of their forefathers. Just as Zahards are considered Royals, 10 Great Family members are considered Nobles. [1] Another interesting point about these 10 Great Families is that a few selected daughters of the families tends to have the chance to become a Zahard's Princesses and gain enormous authority in the Tower. The 10 Great Family leaders made a deal with the administrators for true immortality. Most children of the 10 Families usually live in the "Suspended Castles" until they are chosen to become Regulars.[2] Children who are not chosen to climb the Tower settle down in the Middle Area or help around in their family's Suspended Castles, although they are discriminated compared to those who come back as Regulars or Rankers.[2] Because of their lineage, most children tends to be more powerful and skilled among the ordinary residents of the Tower. Among the children of the great families, those of direct descendency from the head of the house's own blood is frequently considered gifted, but direct descendants aren't always better.[3] Although childrens from the 10 Families seem to have bountiful and happy lives on the surface, the competition is fierce among them. Also if they are male, they have a low survival rate (Females have the possibility of becoming a Zahard princess and are thus more valuable) [4] As the 10 Great Families rule most of the Floors at the Tower, the Middle Area's residents make several altars dedicated to the Ruler of the Floor. Such altars are usually located at the highest point in the region.[2] Note: If a Family head or house head (가주, 家主 gahjoo) has multiple wives or husbands, then there will be a main family and branch families. The Koon Family, notably, has the most branch families. The families: Ari Family: The Ari Family (아리 가문, Ali Gamun) is one of the 10 Great Families. The head of the Ari Family is Ari Han. It is known that this family does not like war and will do everything they can to prevent it.[1] Arie Family The Arie Family (아리에 가문, Alie Gamun) is one the Ten Great Families and it's head is Arie Hon. It is currently the most famous family, mostly due to Arie Hon being the strongest of the 10 Great Family Heads as well as being known for great swordsmanship. It has produced an extremely powerful Princess, Arie Hagipherione Zahard. They take great pride in being the most famous of the 10 families.[1] As of now, they control Floors 100~95, 93~91, 79 and 78.[2][3] Eurasia Family This family is well known for their ability to manipulate Shinsoo and for producing one of the strongest Princesses of Zahard to date, Eurasia Enne Zahard. This family is led by Eurasia Blossom. Ha Family This family is one of the 10 Great Families, it is led by Ha Yurin. The well-known Princess and High Ranker, Ha Yuri Zahard, comes from this family. This family is blessed with incredible physical strength Hendo Lok Family This family is led by Hendo Lok Bloodmadder. All members of this family except Bloodmadder have short lifespans due to a pact that Bloodmadder made with a Guardian in exchange for eternal life. However, this family has the greatest number of children out of the 10 Families. This family has the fewest Rankers and the least influence in the Tower among the 10 Great Families Khun Family This family is headed by Khun Eduan. Koon Eduan has the greatest number of wives and the second-greatest number of children out of the 10 Families. There is a lot of veiled competition among his children and too much competition has created the 'official' fights, held once a year, after which the winners are decided to be his true children and the losers are abandoned. This family is famous for its cunning intelligence. Lo Po Bia: The Lo Po Bia Family is led by Lo Po Bia Family Head. This family is known for their Anima. The Lo Po Bia Family (로 포 비아 가문, Lo Po Bia Gamun)[1] is one of the 10 Great Families.[2] Currently the Family Head is considered the best Anima in the Tower. It is said that he can control all Shinheuh and animals of the Tower, as well as humans. Po Bidau: The Po Bidau Family is headed by Po Bidau Gustang. This family is famous for its Research Association. The Po Bidau Family (포 비더 가문, Po Bideo Gamun) is one of the 10 Great Families. Its members are often proficient in the use of Shinsoo, as their leader, Po Bidau Gustang, is a master in handling Shinsoo with great accuracy. Tu Perie Family This family is led by Tu Perie Tperie. This family is known for Light Bearing. Yeon Family This family is led by Yeon Hana. None of the 'descendants' of this family actually possess Hana's blood, as Hana is a virgin. All descendants are actually the children of Ilarde, known as the 'godmother'. This family is known for its female members' tendency to look down on men [/hider]