[h2][b]Falul 'Taham - The [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i][/b][/h2] [hr] “I took the time to examine the data you sent us on this ‘Death Star’ weapon…” Falul began, pausing a few moments to bring up a holographic display of the battle station on the central display. It showed the Death Star as a whole, as well as sections labeled in as much detail as Erthos had shared with them. Falul gestured to the display. “With the information we have, I, and my officers, believe this weapon is a horribly inefficient waste of resources, by the measure of this universe. The only exceptional part of this battle station is the superlaser, which is unnecessarily powerful. To [i]entirely[/i] destroy a planet has value in intimidation, but is militarily pointless. A weapon with a fraction of the power could still render a planet uninhabitable, as Anubis did with Alderaan. And it would require only a fraction of the resources to create. This very ship we are in right now can destroy a world in any practical, useful sense, albeit over a longer time. The Emperor of your time reminds me of the San’Shyuum. Charismatic liars with venomous tongues, but not military leaders. This Death Star required, what does it convert to in your timekeeping…twenty years to complete. It would be a boon to us if Anubis’ Empire decides to waste such an immense amount of resources on a singular weapon.” Despite Falul’s obviously-low opinion of the Death Star, he did not completely lack concern about the weapon. “I would not consider the Death Star, as it is presented here, a threat to us. But, I am concerned for what may happen if Anubis re-purposes this project to more practical ends. Weaker, but still devastating superlasers could be completed more quickly, and distributed to a larger number of smaller battle stations, or even warships. Instead of a single concentration of power that could be defeated by a few antimatter charges, we could be facing a fleet that could spread across the galaxy. That is a military threat we should not ignore.”